

Internationale Sommerschule Sarajewo 2012

"Tailoring Transitional Justice"(18-28 July)

The KAS RLPSEE together with Association "PRAVNIK" will be offering from 18 to 28. of July 2012 the International Summer School Sarajevo 2012 "Tailoring Transitional Justice". Final agenda is available n the right side of this page.



  • WHERE: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Accommodation is offered at the Franciscan Students' Hostel in double bedded rooms. The Hostel is at 15 minute walking distance from the city centre in safe and peaceful surroundings.
  • WHY: To empower future decision makers to work to establish the Rule of Law and Human Rights system in transitional countries. To widen theoretical and practical skills of participants. To influence changes in transitional countries towards sustainable Rule of Law and the respect of Human Rights.
  • ELIGIBILITY: The program encourages applications from graduate and PhD students of law and related disciplines (under the age of 35); including a limited number of undergraduate students and young professionals from South East Europe, Europe and the US.
  • PARTICIPATION FEE: 200€ for accommodation, meals and working materials. Students from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, and Serbia are eligible to apply for a participation fee reduction of 50%.
Travel costs are not covered by this fee and each participant should take care of personal travel arrangements.


On the right side of this page you can download the ISSS 2012 Rules and Conditions and Application Form.

All other relevant information are available on the official website or you can contact us at

The summer school will teach 30 participants on theoretical and practical aspects of transitional justice as a response to massive violations of human rights, its mechanisms and implications to different countries. The 10-day summer school program will be made out of lectures and workshops of numerous prominent experts (theoretical and practicaloriented). Students will have classes in the morning and in the afternoon, combined with study time. Visits to domestic and international institutions will be a part of the program to ensure dynamics and opportunity to understand hands- on approach from practitioners. Summer school will also include extra- curricular activities that will allow networking among participants.

Until today, 150 ISSS participants went through the summer school and gained knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of rule of law, transitional justice and human rights. Concept of the summer school slightly varied through the years, but focus on combination of theoretical and practical to different topics has remained along with eligibility for participants from Europe (with particular emphasis on South- East Europe) and US.

The anniversary 5th edition held in 2011 gathered over 30 participants from all past editions in a 3 days high-level Alumni Conference.

In the past 2 years the ISSS was enriched with a publishing component through the International Journal on Rule of Law, Human Rights and Transitional Justice which you can download from the following website:


Zum Kalender hinzufügen


IMPORTANNE Center, Sarajewo

Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Dr. Schwartz-Schilling
    • former Former High Representative in BiH
  • Prof. Eibe Riedel
    • University of Mannheim
  • Marijana Toma
    • REKOM Coordinator
  • Stephanie Barbour
    • Amnesty International
  • Eduardo Gonzales
    • ICTJ
  • Thorsten Geissler


Eröffnung der 6. Internationale Sommerschule Sarajewo 2012: Tailoring Transitional Justice
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Doru Toma

Doru Toma bild

Projektkoordinator +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27
18. - 31. Juli 2011
UNITIC Business Center (t.b.c.), Sarajewo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Association _PRAVNIK_ (Bosnien-Herzegowina)