
Policy Reports

Bioterrorist Activities in the Middle East/Gulf, the European Union and the United States

von Prof. Bernd W. Kubbig

A Critical Review of the U.S.-dominated Literature Ranging from Super/Mega- to Low-tech/Amateurish Terrorism

Why have biological weapons (BW) not been widely used by terrorists? This longitudinal study takes a new look at this old question. It looks again at the almost forgotten initial comprehensive work on “Superviolence” 1972. It questions the main thesis of the Harvard/Belfer Center volume “America’s Achilles’ Heel” (1998) written in the shadow of the ‘bio-chem clouds’ of the lethal Tokyo incidents of 1995, which opened a new area in terrorism and research on this subject. Finally, it scrutinizes the writings of prominent and productive terrorist researchers Jeffrey D. Simon and Gar A. Ackerman especially closely.


You can download the text at the right side.



Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Leiter des Regionalprogramms Golf-Staaten +962 6 59 24 150

Dr. Mohammad Yaghi

Mohammad Yaghi, PhD bild

Programm-Manager | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter +962 6 59 24 150