



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Highly Skilled Migration to the Gulf

Labour Reforms and the Global Competition for Talents

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States are reshaping labour markets to become global talent hubs. Saudi Arabia, the Arab world’s strongest economy and home to nearly half of the GCC’s foreign workforce, is spearheading reforms to attract highly skilled migrants. Vision 2030 aims to diversify and decarbonise the economy, promote technical innovation, develop new sectors, and boost employment, particularly for women. The UAE has emerged as a competitor, introducing Golden Visas in 2019, followed by Green Visas and other permits, revolutionising its immigration landscape. The webinar will reflect on Saudi Arabia’s labour and migration reforms over the last decade and their outcomes, with a comparative insight into the UAE.


Transformative Diplomatic Strategies for Contemporary Geopolitical Challenges

Panel Discussion at the Doha Forum

Today’s geopolitical challenges require new thinking and diplomatic approaches such as flexible and inclusive strategies, leveraging advanced technologies, and applying creative solutions. Unlike traditional diplomacy, which often relies on formal protocols, bilateral negotiations, and the promotion of specific ideologies, innovative approaches to diplomacy transcend traditional Western and non-Western divides. It embraces diverse actors, digital platforms, and collaborative initiatives to foster dialogue, build consensus, and achieve shared goals. Through virtual summits, digital platforms, and citizen engagement, it promotes transparency, inclusivity, and participatory global governance. This empowers non-state actors, facilitates rapid communication and information sharing, and enables a more agile response to crises, including humanitarian emergencies, peacebuilding efforts, climate change, global health threats, and economic development. This panel in partnership with the Center for International Policy Research (CIPR) and The Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) will illuminate different innovative diplomatic practices, examining the foreign policies of Qatar, Germany, Italy, and UAE.


The Future of Labour and Migration in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf

Highly Skilled Migration to the Gulf


'Decentralisation and its Role in Economic Development and Creating Job Opportunities'

in Economic Development and Creating Job Opportunities

In cooperation with the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Smart Investment Gateway, the KAS Regional Programme Gulf States is organising a workshop on 27 November 2024 in Muscat, Oman to discuss the country’s decentralisation reforms, which form a pillar of the Sultanate’s ambitious Vision 2040 agenda. Titled “Decentralisation and its Role in Economic Development and Creating Job Opportunities,” the workshop will feature inputs from German experts in the fields of economics and political science, who will present on the historical development of Germany’s federal system of government, along with challenges that the Federal Republic faces today with respect to spurring regional economic transformation and development. From the Omani side, presentations from His Highness Dr Adham Turki Al Said and Shaikh Saeed bin Rashid Al Qutbi will focus on the strategic importance of decentralisation to Oman’s Vision 2040 and the relationship between decentralisation and regional economic development in Oman. The workshop will be held under the patronage of His Highness Qais Mohammed Al Yousef, Oman’s Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion.


Gulf Asia Cooperation: Prospects, Challenges and Implications for Europe

Publication Roll-out

The past decade has witnessed a significant strengthening of ties between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and key Asian countries. This burgeoning relationship spans multiple dimensions - economic, political, and cultural - rooted in mutual interests and strategic priorities. Concurrently, Europe has also cultivated deeper relations with Asia. The European Union (EU) maintains comprehensive partnerships with major Asian powers, particularly South Korea, India, and Japan. These relationships have taken on renewed significance in light of recent global developments: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europe's resulting energy crisis, the ongoing transformation of the global order, and escalating United States-China tensions. These factors have underscored the critical importance of enhanced EU-Asia collaboration, especially within the GCC region. This discussion brings together experts who have examined these complex relationships through various lenses. Their analysis addresses several crucial questions: · How have Gulf-Asia relations evolved, and what implications does this hold for European engagement in the region? · What opportunities and challenges does strengthening Gulf-Asia cooperation present for Europe's vision of open strategic autonomy and initiatives like the EU's Global Gateway? · How can Europe effectively leverage and contribute to Gulf states' third-party partnerships? · Given their strategic geographic position, how can Gulf states facilitate Asian connectivity projects while ensuring European interests are served? · Do the GCC's relationships with Asia and Europe operate as complementary or substitutionary forces, and what are the implications for future regional cooperation and global strategic partnerships?


Development of Renewables and Clean Technologies in Saudi Arabia

Challenges and Opportunities

Together with the Hydrogen Diplomacy (H2Diplo) Office in Saudi Arabia, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)'s Regional Programme Gulf States will organise the second meeting of its Fireside Chats on Energy, Climate, and Sustainability series in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Featuring inputs from leading Saudi academics and practitioners in the field of energy and climate research, this fireside chat will provide a space to discuss the opportunities and challenges characterising the Kingdom's efforts to expand the proportion of renewables in its domestic energy mix and decarbonise its industries. The fireside chat will take place under the Chatham House Rule. Please note that this is a closed event.


Youth Voices from the Gulf Region

New Ideas and Experiences

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Programme Gulf States and the Gulf Research Center are hosting a side event at COP28 (UAE) on December 8, 2023, at 12:00 pm at the Siemens Showcase Center, focusing on climate change engagement with youth from the Gulf region. This event is the outcome of a policy paper contest held by both organisations, with the top four papers chosen to present their ideas at COP28. The primary objectives are to amplify the voices of young individuals from the GCC nations on climate change, introduce innovative concepts to propose to their respective governments, and foster the creation of robust climate change networks among GCC youth.


Young Perspectives on Joint Cooperation

Enhancing the Saudi-German Academic Exchange

In partnership with the Gulf Research Center, the Regional Programme Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will carry out a two-day workshop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The workshop will bring together young researchers and practitioners from Germany and Saudi Arabia for two days of dialogue, exchange, and learning how to write policy papers about German-Saudi cooperation in the fields of energy, security, sports, and culture. Please note that this is a closed event.


Gulf Humanitarianism in Flux: Arab Gulf Development Actors and their Development Policy Engagement

Join us on the September 28th at 6:30 pm for the launch of Dr. Sebastian Sons' policy study, "Gulf Humanitarianism in Flux"


Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 at the halfway point

Achievements and challenges

In partnership with Highbridge Advisory, Chatham House, and the Decision Support Center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Regional Programme Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will carry out a one-day workshop at Chatham House in London, United Kingdom. The workshop will examine Saudi Arabia's progress on its Vision 2030 as it reaches the halfway mark.

— 10 Elemente pro Seite
Zeige 1 - 10 von 42 Ergebnissen.


Transformative Diplomatic Strategies for Contemporary Geopolitical Challenges

Special Panel at the Doha Forum

In an era where traditional diplomatic boundaries are rapidly dissolving and the role of middle powers are coming to the forefront, leading voices from Germany, Qatar, Italy, and the United Arab Emirates convened at a panel at the Doha Forum to challenge the conventional understanding on global conflict resolution.

Action for Climate (A4C)

Simulation Game on Sustainability Policy in Kuwait

Over one and a half days, thought-provoking deliberations and dynamic discussions were held to explore the effects of climate change and propose impactful policies to advance a more sustainable society.

Junge Perspektiven zur gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit

Ein akademischer Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Saudi-Arabien

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gulf Research Center lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zehn junge Wissenschaftler, fünf aus Deutschland und fünf aus Saudi-Arabien, ein, um an einem Ideenaustausch über Politikfelder, die für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Ländern relevant sind, teilzunehmen. Das Ergebnis war eine aufschlussreiche Diskussion, die unterstrich, wie wichtig es ist, Vertreter der nächsten Generation von Führungskräften aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Kultur zusammenzubringen, um ihre Ideen zu Themen, die die internationalen Beziehungen in den kommenden Jahren prägen werden, miteinander zu teilen.

Domestic and Foreign Affairs Intertwined

German Foreign Policy in the Middle East and Implications for the Gulf States

In coordination with the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, the Regional Programme Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised a workshop on the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany and its implications on the Gulf States. The expert insights delivered throughout the workshop provoked intense exchanges over differences between Saudi and German official viewpoints toward important issues and challenges facing Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. Participants from Saudi Arabia and Germany agreed on the fruitfulness of the dialogue’s frank nature, in addition to the need for the conversation to serve as a blueprint for future interactions between the two countries.

Alte Partner, neue Allianzen?

Der „German-Arab Gulf Dialogue“ erstmalig in der KAS

Inmitten geostrategischer Verschiebungen, wirtschaftlicher Umbrüche und alter neuer Herausforderungen der globalen Klima- und Energiepolitik trafen sich hochrangige Politiker aus den Golf-Staaten und Deutschland zum fünften „German-Arab Gulf Dialogue on Security and Cooperation“, der Flaggschiffveranstaltung von KAS, BAKS und DAFG zum Golf. An zwei Tagen offener, ehrlicher Diskussionen stand vor allem eine Frage im Raum: Wie kann die Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und den Golfstaaten gestärkt werden?

GADR und KAS kooperieren in Hadhramaut, Jemen

Zusammenfassung: Die Global Aid for Development and Rights (GADR) organisierte mit Unterstützung der KAS einen Workshop zur Ernährungssicherheit und ein Schulungsprogramm zum Aufbau von Kapazitäten für die Mittelbeschaffung für eine Reihe von zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen in der Provinz Hadhramaut, Jemen.

KAS und SIG haben das Portal für das Barometer der wirtschaftlichen Diversifizierung in den Golfstaaten eröffnet

Das "Gulf States Economic Diversification Barometer" wurde am 13. November 2022 in Muscat, Oman, vorgestellt. Die Auftaktveranstaltung, die von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) und dem Smart Investment Gateway (SIG) organisiert wurde, unterstrich die Bedeutung des Barometers, nicht nur im Hinblick auf die Verfolgung des Diversifizierungsgrades in der Region, sondern auch als Benchmarking-Instrument zwischen den Golfstaaten und als zuverlässige Daten- und Informationsquelle für Forscher und politische Entscheidungsträger, wie Dr. Yousuf Al-Baloushi, Gründer und CEO von SIG, betonte. Das Barometer steht auch im Einklang mit der Arbeit der KAS in der Golfregion und ihrem Engagement für die Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Rahmen des sozialen Marktes, wie Dr. Canan Atilgan, Leiterin der Abteilung Naher Osten und Nordafrika der KAS, hervorhob.

Community building in der kuwaitischen Wüste

Im Rahmen des AWAKEN Projekts fand am 25. November 2022 die Abschlussveranstaltung in Kuwait statt.

Mit Unterstützung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) veranstaltete en.v – einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisation, die community building und die Unterstützung der Jugend in Kuwait als Ziel hat – zusammen mit einer Reihe anderer zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen wie Trashtag am 25. November 2022 die Abschlussveranstaltung des AWAKEN Projekts.

Sustainable Opportunities for Livelihoods, Vocations and Employment Project (SOLVE)

Die von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) geförderte Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) hat zwei Komponenten ihres Projekts "Sustainable Opportunities for Livelihoods, Vocations and Employment's Project" (SOLVE) abgeschlossen. Das Projekt schuf, neue wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten für Frauen und verbesserte ihre berufliche und soziale Kompetenzen.

Deutsch-Arabischer Golf Dialog über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Berlin

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutsch-Arabischen Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. (DAFG) und der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS) veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) vom 15.-16. September 2022 den vierten Deutsch-Arabischen Golf Dialog über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Berlin.