

Germany's Soft Power Strategy in the Middle East: Past & Future

A Derasat Virtual ThinkTalk

Derasat presents a Think Talk titled "Germany's Soft Power Strategy in the Middle East: Past & Future", featuring Ambassador Kai Boeckmann, Ambassador of Germany to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Jan Hanrath, CEO & Co-founder CARPO and Fabian Blumberg, Head of the Regional Programme Gulf States at KAS.



Germany's soft power strategy - Derasat Virtual ThinkTalk

In the postwar era, Germany has pursued a foreign policy based upon the European Union as its cornerstone that places great emphasis on dialogue and cooperation and features a strong role for soft power. 

The webinar aims to explore the past and future of Germany’s Middle East soft power strategy going forward, as Germany transitions to a new government.

To register use the link at the right side.


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Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Ambassador Kai Boeckmann
    • Ambassador of Germany to the Kingdom of Bahrain (speaker)
  • Dr. Jan Hanrath
    • CEO & Co-founder CARPO (speaker)
  • Fabian Blumberg
    • Head of the Regional Programme Gulf States at KAS (speaker)
  • Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli
    • Director of Studies and Research at Derasat (Moderator)

Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Leiter des Regionalprogramms Golf-Staaten +962 6 59 24 150
