

Are East African Corridors Communist Red?

Influence of the People’s Republic of China on Land and Sea Flows in East Africa

An in-depth analysis on the Chinese infrastructure such as ports, roads, and railways in East Africa and the tangible and intangible flows of East Africa and the Indian Ocean by author Janyce Obrecht. Third volume of the research and policy paper series "Security Dialogue for East Africa: Insights & Perspectives".


The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has clearly carved out a special place for itself in the tangible and intangible flows of East Africa and the Indian Ocean (EAIO) through the financing and construction of infrastructure such as ports, road, and rail networks. What are the characteristics of this presence? Does the way Chinese companies operate stand out from the other players? Can this influence be converted into a constraining effect on flows in the event of war or confrontation? Can it generate tactical and/or strategic gains in terms of competition between major powers?



Nils Wörmer

Nils Wörmer

Leiter Regionalprogramm Sicherheitspolitischer Dialog Ostafrika +256 786 751 439


