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In den letzten Tagen und Wochen war Myanmar, das frühere Burma, ein ständiges Thema in den Nachrichten. Die blutigen Konflikte zwischen muslimischen Rohingya und der buddhistischen Bevölkerungsmehrheit lösten Entsetzen in der Weltöffentlichkeit aus. Erste Priorität ist, den verfolgten Menschen zu helfen und friedliche Lösungen für den Streit zu finden, doch bedarf es dazu eines tieferen Verständnisses für die Vorgeschichte des Landes, welches viele nur vom Namen her kennen.
Prof. Narayanan Ganesan schreibt: „Myanmar has undergone a major transformation since the end of military rule in 2009 and the start of a process of democratic transition. While the first elected government led by President Thein Sein in 2010 was only nominally civilian, it did undertake a number of major reforms. These included the freeing of political prisoners, amnesty for returning political exiles, accommodation of the political opposition, the formal start of a peace process with the ethnic armed groups and a much more liberal political atmosphere in general. These developments led in turn to the gradual disbandment of sanctions that had been previously imposed by the international community. The election of the National League for Democracy in the 2015 election led by Aung San Suu Kyi has continued with the transformation of the country's political and economic climate. The two major domestic obstacles to the ongoing transformation is the religiously inspired violence against Muslims in Rakhine state in particular and the ongoing violence between the military and the ethnic armed groups. The current government has identified the peace process with the ethnic groups as the foremost policy priority going forward and initiated the 21st Century Panglong Meetings. However, the violence has continued unabated and there has been a recalibration of the ethnic armed groups with China's growing involvement in the peace process as well.”
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