Highlights from the Workshop
Realizing the significance of this matter, the College of Local Administration of Khon Kaen University (COLA) with the support of KAS has initiated many activities under the digitalization topic to support the public sector’s better performance from the academic side. In 2023, COLA held a two-day workshop aiming at increasing fundamental digital literacy and awareness on the importance of cybersecurity among local administrative officials in the upper northeastern provinces. Under close cooperation with Khon Kaen University’s central office on Digital Development and municipality offices in Khon Kaen Province, COLA succeeded in disseminating valuable knowledge among the participants and inspiring them to embrace digital transformation in their work field.
To distribute the knowledge more widely among local governments and local administrations in other regions of Thailand, this book was published with a hope that it will be a beneficial studying material for civil servants at the national and the local level, experts, lecturers, and students at Thai universities as well as the general public interested in the topic.
The publication is in Thai language. If you would like to have a printed version, please request here.
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