Seminar Program
Bringing the Best of the Private Sector to Development
Venue: Meeting Room-3, Zone-B, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
19. October 2010, Bangkok
9.00 – 9.15 hrs Opening by Federation of Thai Industries
Mr. Payungsak Chartsutipol, President
Welcome by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Dr. Canan Atilgan, Representative
9.15 -10.45 hrs German Economy from Crisis to Boom: A Model for Recovery?
- Presentation by Oliver Wieck, Head of Division Foreign Trade and Development,
Federation of German Industries
- Panel Discussion
- Ms. Ajarin Pattanapanchai, Investment Advisor, Board of Investment
- Mr. Bandid Nijathaworn-Deputy Governor, Bank of Thailand (TBC)
- Mr. Visit Limprana, Vice-Chairman, Federation of Thai Industries,
10.45 – 11.00 hrsCoffee Break
11.00 – 13.00 hrsPanel: Re-balancing in an uncertain environment:
Productivity enhancement and equitable development
- Mr. Volker Hellstern, Managing Director, Haefele Thailand
- Mrs. Suwanee Khamman, Dep. Sec. Gen, NESDB
- Mr. Chaveng Chao, Chairman of Chemical Industry Club, FTI
- Prof. Dr. Nipon Poapongsakoan, President, TDRI
13.00 h Closing with Lunch