

Decentralization on Personnel Management in Local Administrative Organizations

Seminar Series on Thailand Decentralization

The Secretariat of the National Assembly by the Parliamentary Committee on Decentralization, Local Government, and Special Local Administration of the House of Representatives is pleased to invite you to attend a seminar with the support of the KAS in Thailand. The seminar will focus on the issue about personnel management development in Thailand’s local administration.



PR Poster - Seminar on Decentralization on Personnel Management


12.30 - 13.00 hrs


13.00 - 13.15 hrs

Welcome remark and report of the objectives of the seminar

13.15 - 13.30 hrs

Opening remark

By Mr. Sugarno Matha

Member of the Parliament and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Decentralization, Local Government, and Special Local Administration of the House of Representatives

13.30 - 13.45 hrs

Keynote speech

By Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro

Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Office in Thailand

13.45 - 15.00 hrs

Discussion on "Decentralization on Personnel Management in Local Administrative Organizations"


  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supasawat Chatchawan
    Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University

  2. Mr. Suvitcha Pengpaiboon
    Department of Local Administrative Promotion, the Ministry of Interior

  3. CPO1 Chanin Ratchamanee
    Director of Bureau of Personnel Administration Development, Department of Local Administration, the Ministry of Interior

  4. Mr. Pipat Worasittidamrong
    Saraphi Municipal Clerk, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province

  5. Mr. Surasak Wongaumpaiwan
    Chief Administrator of Saophao Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO), Sichol District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Kowit Puang-ngam, Member of the Parliament and the 1st Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Decentralization, Local Administration, and Special Local Governments of the House of Representatives

15.00 - 16.00 hrs

Opinion Sharing 

Questions and Answers

16.00 - 16.30 hrs

Seminar Conclusion


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Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Senior Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 13 07



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Das Sekretariat des thailändischen Repräsentantenhauses (SNA)

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