Friday, 2 August 2024
12.00 hrs. Gathering and attendance check at the Administrative Court Premises
12.30 hrs. Departure from the Administrative Court Premises
16.00 hrs. Arrival at the hotel venue; registration
16.30 hrs. Orientation session
18.00 hrs. Dinner
19.30 hrs. Pre-assessment of relevant knowledge and understanding; group allocation (for wrap-up and group discussion)
Saturday, 3 August 2024
08.30 hrs. Registration
08.50 hrs. Opening remarks delivered by President of the Supreme Administrative Court
09.00 hrs. Seminar on "Problems, obstacles, and challenges towards administrative judicial proceedings: disciplinary actions in compliance with resolutions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) under Organic Act on Anti-Corruption B.E. 2561 (2018)"
1. Mr. Prasitsak Meelarp, Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court;
2. Mr. Suchat Mongkollertlop, Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court; and
3. Mr. Thoedpong Kongchan, President of A Chamber of the Central Administrative Court
12.00 hrs. Lunch break
13.30 hrs. Seminar on "Problems, obstacles, and challenges towards administrative judicial proceedings: disciplinary actions in compliance with resolutions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) under Organic Act on Anti-Corruption B.E. 2561 (2018)" (continued)
18.00 hrs. Dinner
19.30 hrs. Wrap-up and group discussion
Sunday, 4 August 2024
08.30 hrs. Registration
09.00 hrs. Seminar on "Problems, obstacles, and challenges towards administrative judicial proceedings: disciplinary actions in compliance with resolutions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) under Organic Act on Anti-Corruption B.E. 2561 (2018)" (continued)
1. Mr. Prasitsak Meelarp, Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court;
2. Mr. Suchat Mongkollertlop, Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court; and
3. Mr. Thoedpong Kongchan, President of A Chamber of the Central Administrative Court
12.00 hrs. Lunch break
13.00 hrs. Wrap-up session (summarising the overall seminar and highlighting important issues deriving from the seminar); post-assessment of relevant knowledge and understanding
15.00 hrs. Departure for Bangkok