

Sustainability in Practice for Achievement of Social, Economic, and Environmental Goals




Short rational: As it has become sufficiently clear over the last years, the global problems of climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality require new approaches, as expressed by catchwords like ‘sustainable production and consumption’ and ‘green innovation’. Green innovation comprises management, products, processes, services, logistics and supply chains that are environmentally friendly. Currently, green logistics and supply chain management is of interest in many countries, to both the public and private sectors. However, if considering the way to promote and drive green logistics and supply chain management, it was found that countries have different strategies and models of promotion. In Thailand, the use of clean technology as well as sustainable logistics systems is supported. There are campaigns to reuse, recycle and reduce waste, to buy environmentally friendly products/services, to support to the use of renewables and renewable energy, and etc. In the workshops, these concepts will be discussed, together with ways of achieving the SDG of special concern to the project.


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Auslandsbüro Thailand