
Studien- und Informationsprogramm

The Road to Democracy

Discussion and visiting programme to places in the city of Bangkok, which are important in the political history and development of Thailand.



This discussion and visiting programme is organised by request from students and lecturer of Thaksin University in Trang Province in the South of Thailand.

Hightlights of the programme:

- Visit to the Democracy Landmark 1932 next to the monument of King Rama V & Lecture on democracy development in Thailand since 1932 by Prof Dr Suthachai Yimprasert

- Visit to the Democracy Monument and Monument of the October Uprising on Ratchadamnern Avenue & Lecture on Thailand's political movements in 1973, 1976 and 1992.

- Visit to Thammasat University: the Wall of Popular Uprising, Laan Pho and the Monument of Pridi Panonyong & Discussion among students about Thai democracy in the present

- Meeting with Bangkok's governor, Mr Apirak Kosayothin and presentation on the topic "Historical Democratic Roads and Places in Bangkok" by officers of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.

- Visit to King Prajadhipok's Museum (Mesuem of the birth of Thai democracy in 1932)


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Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS)

    Dr. Lars Peter Schmidt †

    Resident Representative to India



    Bereitgestellt von

    Auslandsbüro Thailand