


Reviewing the Form and Substance of the 2021 Elections

Foreword Reviewing the Form and Substance of the 2021 Elections is a compilation of articles that examine the legal, social, political, cultural and historical setting of the Ugandan General Elections that were held in January 2021. The idea to this book was born in February of the same year. The country had just come out of the elections that were defined by a strong military presence in the streets, violence, repressive measures on the civil society, an internet blackout and a worldwide pandemic. Anxiety was still felt in the air. The work on the book should provide the first opportunity for an in-depth analysis of the elections, while most just wanted to move on with their normal life offside the political fighting. Ultimately, life was continuing – with old powers in charge and new emerged forces that have set out to challenge the status quo. Continuation and change, traditional actors and newcomers, old playbook strategies and new tactics have awakened hope and equally caused disillusion among one of the youngest and fastest growing populations in the world. The book takes the reader back to the events of that period and provides essential context for the Ugandan and international public to understand the nature and the evolvement of Ugandan elections. With eight contributions by different authors, the publishers of this book have tried to offer a comprehensive depiction of key areas defining that election – among them the COVID-19 pandemic, the monetization of the elections as well as the role of social media in the electoral campaigns and reporting. It investigates the role of institutional stakeholders, legally responsible for the organization and implementation of the elections such as the Electoral Commission, and those that have emerged as key stakeholders in its conduct such as the military. It touches upon the democratic expectations towards the elections and depicts its realities. Lastly, it pays attention to various social groups – their own interests and actions as well as their conceptualization and instrumentalization by competing political forces. With this book, we are contributing to a body of knowledge on Ugandan elections – discussing their uniqueness but also allowing for comparative analysis with other elections worldwide. Some of the authors critically question to which extent the mere holding of regular elections, despite failures in form and substance, is sufficient to legitimize the winners and the political system as democratic. As such, the book also serves as a summary of experiences and lessons learned for the future. As the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, we are committed to our mission “Shaping. Democracy. Together”. We thank the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre (JNLC) for the cooperation on this book. We are grateful for the restless personal commitment of Dr. Nansozi K. Muwanga to the success of this project. We hope this will be an interesting, insightful and valuable resource for any interested citizen – be it in their professional and/or individual capacity. We thank all authors for their interest and willingness to bring our idea to life. Anna Reismann Country Representative Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan

Call for Applications 2024

Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship - Second Cohort!

The Y4P Migration Fellows will have an unparalleled opportunity to spend six to eight months gaining both academic and field experience working in the niche area of migration and being part of a community to build an inclusive and responsive pro-youth policy landscape. Besides interacting with migrants and learning from their experiences, the fellows will have the chance to access key stakeholders and experts in the field of migration. Throughout the Programme, the fellows will be trained in key public policy topics as well. Ultimately, the fellows shall be equipped with relevant tools to enable them undertake research, write policy papers, and contribute to ongoing advocacy and policy-making efforts. Fellows will also have exposure to the workings of KAS’ key partners and collaborators, which includes international agencies, state agencies and Civil Society Organizations. Moreover, the Y4P Migration Fellowship can be used as a springboard towards a wide range of academic and professional opportunities in the future. Y4P and KAS alumni have gone on to pursue careers in the development sector, academia, public service as well as private sectors.

Migration Project Newsletter - Issue 02

In our second edition of the KAS Migration Project Newsletter, we reflect on the strides made since February 2022 in addressing migration and forced displacement in Uganda and South Sudan. This initiative aims to understand and mitigate the various factors driving cross-border and internal movements.

Reality Check Series on Demography - 'A Looming Demographic Dividend or Disaster?'

We are delighted to present our latest thought-provoking analysis, delving into the rapidly changing population and age structure of Uganda, titled 'A Looming Demographic Dividend or Disaster?', this series engages in critical dialogues surrounding the profound implications of Uganda's evolving demographic landscape with propositions of a possible demographic dividend that have featured prominently, especially in the public sector circles.

Migration Project Newsletter - Issue 01

We are thrilled to bring you the first edition of our Migration Project Newsletter, which summarizes our activities in Uganda and South Sudan throughout the project's first year.

Examining Uganda's Migration Policy!

This publication represents the culmination of the hard work and research conducted by young scholars and researchers in Uganda, who participated in our Youth4Policy program. As part of this program, participants were given the opportunity to explore and analyze various aspects of migration policy in Uganda, with a focus on understanding its impact on individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.

Jeder ist sich selbst der Nächste

Ugandas Reaktion auf den Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine

„Wenn Elefanten kämpfen, leidet das Gras.“ Dieses afrikanische Sprichwort ist in Uganda zu hören, wenn es um den aktuellen Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine und dessen Auswirkungen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent geht. ­Als die großen Elefanten werden die ­USA beziehungsweise der Westen einerseits und Russland andererseits gesehen. Die politische Elite in Uganda übt sich offiziell in Neutralität, versucht aber die entstandene internationale Lage zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen. Deutschland sollte vor diesem Hintergrund die eigenen Interessen und Stärken deutlich definieren und sie gezielt zum beidseitigen Vorteil zum Einsatz bringen.

EU-SPACE Project Completion Report

Strengthening Performance and Accountability through Community Engagement in Northern Uganda

The SPACE Project contributed to impoved downward accountability and performance of Local Governments in sub-regions of Lango, Karamoja, West Nile, Teso and Acholi. For more insights, please download the report here.

South Sudan Country Report

An Overview of the Media Landscape in South Sudan

For democratic ideals and values to be nurtured and promoted in the world’s youngest country, both new and old media must be strengthened. This brief outlines the complex terrain in which the media in South Sudan operates. It summarily highlights the roles that the media plays and the challenges that the sector faces. Most importantly, the brief discusses some opportunities for making both traditional and new media effective for advancing a future democratic society in the country.

Youth for Policy (Y4P) Migration Fellows

We are delighted to introduce 18 young professionals in Uganda who have been selected as the inaugural cohort of the Y4P Migration Fellowship.



Politische Kurzberichte der KAS-Auslandsbüros

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist in rund 110 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten mit einem eigenen Büro vertreten. Die Auslandsmitarbeiter vor Ort können aus erster Hand über aktuelle Ereignisse und langfristige Entwicklungen in ihrem Einsatzland berichten. In den "Länderberichten" bieten sie den Nutzern der Webseite der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung exklusiv Analysen, Hintergrundinformationen und Einschätzungen.


Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ihre Bildungsforen und Auslandsbüros bieten jährlich mehrere tausend Veranstaltungen zu wechselnden Themen an. Über ausgewählte Konferenzen, Events, Symposien etc. berichten wir aktuell und exklusiv für Sie unter Hier finden Sie neben einer inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung auch Zusatzmaterialien wie Bilder, Redemanuskripte, Videos oder Audiomitschnitte.


A Women’s Development Magazine

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.

Reality Check

Die Serie analysiert politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Themen der politischen Tagesordnung Ugandas und unterzieht sie einer kritischen Untersuchung. Reality Check wird in Kooperation mit dem Centre for Development Alternatives veröffentlicht.

Economic Policy Paper Series

Wir stellen die Wirtschaftspolitik Ugandas auf den Prüfstand: Wie gestaltet sich wirtschaftlicher Fortschritt im Land? Welche Hindernisse stehen ihm im Weg? Welche Wirtschaftszweige haben das Potential, zum notwendigen wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel im Land beizutragen und Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen? Und welche Aufgabe kommen dabei dem Privatsektor und dem Staat zu? Die Economic Policy Paper Series wird in Kooperation mit dem Centre for Development Alternatives veröffentlicht.
