

Towards the Assessment of Pluralism and Democracy in the Districts: Consultations of Local Stakeholders

Series of Consultation Workshops Kicks Off in Gulu and Arua




As part of the EU-funded project on “Strengthening Civil Society, Media and Local Councils’ Capacity to Promote Political Pluralism, Democratic Participation and Representation at Local Government Level in Uganda”, an assessment of the state of political pluralism and democracy at local government level will be conducted in seven districts (Gulu, Arua, Kasese, Mbarara, Masaka, Mbale, Soroti).

The consultative workshops bring together a group of potential assessors and major stakeholders in the district (district authorities, political parties, religious leaders) to discuss the draft assessment index developed by KAS and UMDF. This shall ensure the development of a suitable and well-accepted assessment framework.

The first consultations have succesfully been held in Gulu and Arua on 13th and 15th February. The invited stakeholders were briefed by staff of KAS about the concept of the assessment exercise and the relevant technical and organizational issues. The main facilitator, Dr. Yasin Olum, presented in detail the draft assessment index, which he had developed as a consultant for KAS, based on the results of a first consultation workshop with selected representatives from the districts which was held in Kampala in December.

Participants were given the opportunity to give feedback and criticism on the draft index and raise their questions and concerns. During lively discussions, the participants generally welcomed the participatory approach of the assessment and approved the draft index. However, some critical aspects and needs for adjustment were also brought forward. This shall help KAS and the consultant to come up with an appropriate and convincing finalized framework for the assessment.


The assessment of the state of political pluralism and democracy in the districts is one of the components of the project strengthening CSO, media and local councilors capacity to promote political pluralism. The assessment will be conducted in the 7 districts of Gulu, Arua, Kasese, Mbarara, Masaka, Mbale and Soroti where the project has been implemented. The assessment will commence in the second week of March with the final results expected in May where a report will be launched.


Lack of appropriate information about the state of political pluralism and democracy especially at the local government level implies that many of the players are not aware of the key gaps that need to be addressed. With the assessment, CSO members and media representatives and selected councilors will conduct an assessment on the state of political pluralism and democracy in 7 districts and produce a report that will be published and disseminated to different stakeholders. This information will be based on practical findings from the districts and can be reliably used for planning purposes by CSOs, local councils, development partners and government as well as enable the district leaders identify areas of improvement.

Who will be involved?

All stakeholders in the district i.e. district leaders, religious leaders, party leaders, CSOs, Media, councilors.

5 participants from each district have been selected to do the assessment in their respective districts with the aid of a consultant. This assessment will be conducted by participants who attended the KAS trainings on the 3 concepts of political pluralism, democratic participation and representation in the districts in 2009.

The assessment will culminate into district reports which will then be compiled into one national report that will be launched in Kampala in May. The report will highlight among other things the state of political pluralism and democracy in the districts.


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Peter Girke

Peter Girke

Leiter Personal Ausland +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

Yusuf Kiranda

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Programmbeauftragter +256 312 26 20 11/2

