
CC BY SA 4.0 Jarabik


Imagining the post-Covid Visegrad 4

V4 Summer School

The Robert Schuman Institute in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has held a summer school event in Visegrad, Hungary, between September 28-30, 2020.


The V4 Summer School was designed as a contribution to the overarching Visegrad 4 strategic objective of mitigating corona crisis impact in the V4 countries, bringing  the socio-economic life and regional cooperation back on track, and reinforcing its image of a constructive and reliable partner with its European and international partners.

This program was also a chance for our attendees to reconnect in person to the like-minded community of experts, partners and peers from other parties and discuss Visegrad future.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic V4 were acting faster and more efficiently than their western counterparts, and the economic effect was not as dramatic in the region as experts were predicting. But still the pandemic put the region to a serious test in various spheres of public life, and the V4 states should unite their efforts paving the way to normalcy.

Within 2,5 days we reflected on regional impact of COVID-19 pandemic, discussed viable scenarios and draft roadmaps for post-pandemic recovery and development in Visegrad 4 countries, and looked into opportunities and ways V4 can boost its internal resilience, particularly in the areas of economy, society and environment. ​​​​​​​


