

Transatlantic Rift?

Public Opinion Survey by the German Marshall Fund (GMF)


The German Marshall Fund of the United States is pleased to announce that the findings of the Transatlantic Trends 2004 public opinion survey have been posted to the Transatlantic Trends web site at

For the third year in a row, this in-depth survey looks into the pressing issues shaping the U.S. -- European relationship, such as threat perceptions, the legitimacy of multilateral institutions and use of force, foreign policy priorities, and general feelings toward each other. New to the survey this year is the inclusion of Slovakia, Spain and Turkey, as well as questions on Turkey's membership to the European Union.

The results show that the transatlantic divide documented in last year's survey has not dissipated. Instead, Europeans remain critical of U.S. leadership and continue to desire a more independent role in the world, while Americans long for a strong European partner to help them address global problems. Despite two years of intense divisions, it is encouraging that European feelings toward the U.S. have not worsened in the last year, and majorities in both the U.S. and Europe believe we share enough common values to be able to cooperate on international problems.

Please go to the web site for the full report, top-line data, press releases and other interesting information and commentary.

Transatlantic Trends is a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paolo, with additional support from the Luso-American Foundation, Fundacion BBVA, and the Insitute for Public Affairs (IVO).

