For decades the world seemed walled in: communist dictatorships here, western freedom and democracy there. The collapse of communism, leading most dramatically to the fall of the wall and German as well as European unification, has since 1989 unleashed a new global dynamic with opportunities scarcely imaginable years ago – but which are also extremely risky. The desire of the Ukrainian people for freedom on the one hand and the Russian response on the other show the strength of our values but also the resurgence of a policy which we in Europe hoped was history.
Technological change has revolutionised communications, made borders less relevant and changed society. Our global village is certainly not idyllic – it is a font ofchange requiring a lot of creativity and flexible political structures to make a difference.
That inspired us to focus our 2014 work under the slogan Turning Points – What the Future Holds. The process of transformation is controlling the fate of many countries – the unpredictable turmoil in the arab world being just one example. But even in seemingly established and tranquil regions change is the key word, along with terms such as digitisation, demography and migration. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will this year focus on shaping the process of change and determining where we might be headed. We asked six of our Literary Award laureates for their outlook on the future and you will find their responses in the Perspectives chapter.
The centenary of the outbreak of World War I and the fall of the wall 25 years ago are turning points that changed the future. The disaster of 1914 laid the ground for the even greater one of World War II; it also opened the door to europe’s eventual peaceful unification. As we prepare for European elections, we also celebrate a major anniversary of the fall of the wall that brought Europe together. Both events provide the framework for a variety of the foundation’s activities and projects, and prove what is possible when confidence and courage guide one’s actions.
We also have to face the fact that the working climate for German political foundations is becoming tougher in many countries around the world. Democracy cannot be taken for granted – since transformation can also lead to less desirable results. Whether the new ice age after the green shoots of hope in Egypt or disillusionment and steps back in Russia and Afghanistan – we are constantly and repeatedly challenged in our push for democracy to thrive over the long term.
We give thanks, not only to our staff on site who often work under difficult circumstances – and are themselves sometimes in danger – but also to those at our headquarters who provide them with the necessary assistance and support. We also must be grateful to the staff of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung whose outstanding work has made the foundation’s excellent reputation possible in the first place. Their engagement, skills and creativity are the base of the Foundation of the Future, of innovation and interesting projects. More than 4.5 million visitors to our website www.kas.de and more than 11 million page views speak for themselves.
We would also like to thank the Friends of the Kas, and our donors, sponsors and partners for the support that show their belief in us. You, dear reader, have the chance in this report to learn more about our top-notch work as well as our political skills. It includes highlights from 2013 and new perspectives on our current activities. You can also get a full account of the activity in 2013 by KAS departments and offices abroad at our home page, www.kas.de.
You can download the full report as pdf.