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Board of Trustees

Asset Publisher

On June 11, 1999 the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Board appointed a Board of Trustees. This body supports and accompanies the work of the KAS in a consultative capacity. One of its most important tasks is to analyse developments of relevance to society as a whole.

In times of great upheaval, constant transformation and ongoing processes of globalization, orientation is more important than ever. Revolutionary developments in science, technology, media and culture require us to respond in a timely far-sighted and trend-setting manner to the new political challenges the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung sets out to address.

The Board of Trustees comprises representatives from politics, society, science and culture.

In the composition of the Trustees Board, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has given importance to involving different parts of society. Our goal is to assure even stronger ties with ideas and proposals from science and society.


Members of the Board of Trustees

As of: March 2025

Dr. Petra Bahr
Regional Bishop for the Hanover district in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover

Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann
Chairman and Scientific Director of the German Cancer Research Center

Lena Düpont MdEP
Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU Lower Saxony

Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke
Professor of Astroparticle Physics and Radio Astronomy, Radboud-University Nijmegen

Cemile Giousouf
Representative of the President and Head of Operative Division at the Federal Agency for Civic Education

Markus Hartmann
Senior Public Prosecutor at the Cologne General Public Prosecutor's Office
Head of North Rhine-Westphalian Central Cybercrime Department

Prof. Dr. Christoph Heusgen
German Ambassador (retired)
Chairman of the Munich Security Conference 2022-2025
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2022

Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert
President of the Berlin University of the Arts
Secretary General of the Cultural Foundation of the German Federal States

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
Federal Minister of Defence (retired)
Minister President (retired)
Former CDU Chairwoman
Further information in the biogram

Bernhard Kaster
Mayor (retired)
Former Parliamentary Secretary of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag

Karin Knappe
Supervisory Board and Works Council Member of the Joint Establishment Fraport AG, FRA-Vorfeldkontrolle GmbH, and Fraport Ground Services GmbH

Marija Kolak
President of the National Association of German Cooperative Banks

Anna Kreye
Head of the Minister’s Office at the Ministry of Interior and Sport of Saxony-Anhalt

Senator Ronan Le Gleut
Member of the French Senate

Egils Levits
President of Latvia (retired)
Judge at the European Court of Justice (retired)

Dr. Ahmad Mansour
Founder and Managing Director of the Mansour-Initiative for the Promotion of Democracy and Prevention of Extremism

Klaus Mertes SJ
Superior of the Jesuit Community in Berlin-Charlottenburg

Peter Müller
Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court (retired)
Minister President (retired)
Further information in the biogram

Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi
Chair of General Sociology and Theory of Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2021

Dr. Klaus Schüler
Former Federal Managing Director of the CDU

Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer
Member of the Executive Board of the Bertelsmann Stiftung

Dr. Steven E. Sokol
President of the American Council on Germany

Jaromir Sokolowski
State Secretary in Poland (retired)
Polish Ambassador (retired)

Armin Staigis
Brigadier-General (retired)
Former Vice President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy

Anna Staroselski
Vice President of the German-Israeli Society

Kim Thy Tong 
Desk Officer at the Senat Department for Urban Mobility, Climate Action and the Environment in Berlin 
Member of the Christian Democratic Employees' Association

Sir Peter James Torry
British Ambassador (retired)

Annette Widmann-Mauz MP
Minister of State (retired)
Chairwoman of the Women's Union of the CDU

Lars Zimmermann
Co-founder and Board Member of GovTech Campus
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2024

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Lucas Lamberty

Lucas Lamberty bild

Head of the Executive Board Office +49 30 26996-3769 +49 30 26996-3285