More than five years after the upheavals in the Arab World, Morocco is considered as one of the most stable countries in the region. Through reforms that were initiated and supported by King Mohammed VI, the country is going through a progressing process of democratization. A cornerstone on this path is most of all the ambitious policy of regionalization, which connects local democracy, governance and resource management.
The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morroco and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung are pleased to host Mr. Hakim Benchamach, the President of the House of Councillors of the Moroccan Parliament, on May 12, 2016 in Berlin. Mr. Benchamach as a renowned expert will give a well-founded overview of the democratization process as well as the current state of reforms in Morocco, with a focus on the progressing of the advanced regionalization.
After two decades of academic carrier in political science among others about issues of political Islam for example at the University Mohammed V in Rabat or the University Moulay Ismail in Meknès, Mr. Hakim Benchamach started his political career seven years ago as one of the founders of PAM (Parti authenticité et modernité). Currently, he executes the fourth highest office in the State, at the same time being the spokesperson and president of the Parliamentary Group of PAM at the House of Councillors. At PAM he also holds the presidency of the “Conseil National” at the Political Bureau.
Last year, the indirect elections for the House of Councillors of the Moroccan Parliament took place for the first time since the entry into force of the new Constitution of 2011. The Councillors were elected by representatives of employees and employers associations (two fifths of the mandates) and of regions, prefectures, provinces and municipalities (three fifths of the mandates) and therefore are bringing a regional perspective into the legislation process.
18.00 hAddress of welcome
Dr. Wolfgang Maier, Deputy Department Head, Department European and International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Followed by Opening remarks
H.E. Dr Omar Zniber, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Germany
18.15 hPresentation
„Democratization Process in Morocco – State of current Reforms”
Mr. Hakim Benchamach, President of the House of Councillors of the Moroccan Parliament
Followed by Discussion
Moderation: Dr. Helmut Reifeld, Representative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Morocco
19.45 hReception with Moroccan finger food and beverages at the invitation of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Germany
There will be a simultaneous German/Arabic interpretation.