The conference “The future of online efforts to prevent extremism” hosted by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Violence Prevention Network e.V. and modus|zad aims at encouraging dialog between experts from politics, academia, business and civil society about innovative strategies of online prevention of extremism. Previously successful strategies as well as emerging challenges will be discussed. Special attention is placed on the determination of specific target groups as well as the development of appropriate online pedagogical approaches. During the course of the event, project ideas and opportunities for collaboration will be explored.
8:15-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:45 Welcoming remarks & introduction
Benjamin Fricke, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Keynote: Marian Wendt, Member of German Parliament (CDU)
Ariane Wolf, Violence Prevention Network
Sebastian Ehlers, modus|zad
9:45-10:30 The range and scope of online prevention efforts: project presentations
To give an overview over the landscape of projects that aim to tackle online extremism, a diverse set of projects will give a short, introductory presentation on their aims and/or outcomes.
- Modus|zad, “ABAT”: aims at identifying salafist narratives and discourses on YouTube analysing the videos and comments shared. Finding trends and generating knowledge on this scene aims to inform online extremism prevention.
- Jamal al-Khatib: delivers alternative narratives and strengthens community engagement targeted at youths as well as at practitioners through compelling, target-group appropriate video content.
- ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences: Evaluation of counter and alternative narratives for the prevention of radicalisation online in Switzerland.
- Aktion Neustart: offers online exit work from islamist as well as right-wing extremism
10:30-12:00 Panel discussion: „The prevention of extremism online: past, present, future“
Radicalisation is a non-linear process that requires a flexible response that constantly adapts to changes. What are current trends of radicalization and what role does online P/CVE play? What are the similarities/differences between online P/CVE and “offline” work? How can the interdisciplinary cooperation between different actors be optimized in order to gather expertise from relevant fields?
- Mubaraz Ahmed, Senior Analyst, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
- Johannes Baldauf, Policy Programs Manager, Facebook
- Beatrice Berton, EUROPOL
- Sally Hohnstein, Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
Presented by Götz Nordbruch, General Manager, Ufuq e.V.
12:00-13:15: Lunch
13:15-14:45 Factory of ideas
Concrete project ideas will be discussed in three break-out sessions, focusing on the three clusters monitoring, content production and strategy.
A variety of projects, among which are the projects shortly presented in the morning, will now present in detail their experiences, strategies and challenges they have encountered over the course of the implementation of their projects in three break-out sessions.
- Modus|zad, “ABAT“
- Jamal al-Khatib – Mein Weg!
ZHAW Evaluation Narrativen zur Prävention von Radikalisierung im Internet
- Aktion Neustart
- #ichbinhier
- jugenschutz.net
- Streetwork@online
- Heldenpartner – für ein starkes Netz im digitalen Notfall
- Ipso Care Center
- Islam-ist
14:45-15:30 Coffee break for networking
During the coffee break, participants will have time to network and to explore the outcomes of each break-out session.
15:30-16:50 Panel Discussion: “The prevention of extremism online: What is needed and how is it funded?“
The landscape of supporters of prevention of extremism is just as diverse as its actors: funding comes from public institutions, private foundations and private companies. What specific roles do the different supporters take on in the prevention of extremism online and how do they differ from one another? What resources are needed for online efforts to prevent extremism and how can they be provided?
- Sabine Frank, Senior Policy Counsel Governmental Affairs and Public Policy
- Felix Oldenburg, Secretary General, Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen
- Jonathan Russell, Senior Account Director, Zinc Network
- Hanna Gleiß, project leader NETTZ, betterplace lab, gut.org gAG
Presented by Ariane Wolf, Head of international affairs / transnational cooperations, Violence Prevention Network