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Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance


Adobe Stock / wahyu; generiert mit KI

Why an independent Digital Ministry is indispensable and how it could be structured

Shaping the Digital Future: One Size Does Not Fit All – The Urgent Need for a Dedicated Ministry for Digital Transformation

Establishing a Federal Ministry for Digital Transformation with clearly defined mandates would be a crucial step toward significantly increasing administrative efficiency and sustainably improving the state's interaction with citizens and businesses. A dedicated ministry would also play a key role in ensuring effective and harmonized data protection in the digitalization of public administration. It would create clear responsibilities while addressing citizens' loss of trust, as well as Germany’s reputation and competitiveness.

Adobe Stock / BillionPhotos

Municipalities in (demographic) change – Strategies to reduce regional imbalances

What is the future of German municipalities in cities, rural areas, East and West?

Demographic change is increasing regional inequalities in Germany - rural areas in particular are struggling with migration, aging and economic challenges. While metropolitan areas continue to grow, structurally weak regions are threatened by a vicious circle of population decline and locational disadvantages. But how can this trend be reversed? The following article analyzes key location factors, recent studies, and innovative solutions for sustainable regional development.

Adobe Stock/Sergey Ilin

Will QUAD change the security architecture in the Indo-Pacific?

Diplomatic dialogue and practical cooperation on security challenges in the Indo-Pacific

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) between the United States, Japan, Australia, and India is a flexible cooperative forum that responds to growing geopolitical challenges in the Indo-Pacific. With initiatives in areas such as maritime security, technology and climate change, QUAD aims to promote a rules-based order and counter China's influence. Through close cooperation between the four democracies, QUAD could have a lasting impact on the region's security architecture.


International talent for the German middle class

Measures to improve skilled immigration

German small and medium-sized companies face challenges in attracting skilled labor from Non-EU-countries. Despite reforms in immigration law, skilled labor immigration to Germany remains low. What measures and policies are needed to strengthen international talent acquisition in German SMEs?

Adobe Stock / Korawan; generiert mit KI 

Greater capacity for action for public administration with artificial intelligence

Strengthening the future viability of the administration through practical AI expertise, simplified regulatory compliance and European AI in critical areas

Artificial intelligence offers the opportunity to make public administration sustainable and efficient. This is an urgent task in view of the major challenges facing the state. This requires practical AI expertise, simpler regulatory requirements and the mandatory use of European AI in critical areas. In this way, the administration can master demographic challenges, strengthen trust and secure its ability to act - for a modern, efficient administration in the digital age.

Adobe Stock / Daria; generiert mit KI

Bits and bytes for global health: opportunities and challenges of digital health and AI

How the potential of Digital Health and AI are revolutionising global healthcare: ethical and data protection hurdles included

Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform healthcare worldwide, especially in regions with limited medical infrastructure. Through digital innovations, diagnoses can be more accurate, health inequalities can be reduced, and access to medical care can be expanded. However, privacy concerns, ethical challenges, and infrastructural gaps continue to pose significant obstacles. Cooperation and responsible regulation are essential in order to fully utilise the potential.

Adobe Stock /Shozib

Tools for ‘smart’ urban development: Urban Digital Twins

Organising Smart City as a platform: realistic digital images of a ‘city section’, for the evaluation and simulation of urban situations or processes

Cities are complex and multifunctional network structures. Smart tools are needed to operate in this complexity: Depending on the available data, Urban Digital Twins can represent a realistic digital image of a ‘city section’. This allows complex interrelationships, specific urban constellations or processes to be visualised for evaluation and simulation. They can support administration, business and urban society as well in better solving real problems in a city.

Adobe Stock / Feodora

From protection seekers to skilled workers

Factors influencing the labour market integration of Ukrainian refugees

Many Ukrainians who have fled to Germany are highly educated, with a significant proportion holding vocational or university degrees. However, their employment rate remains lower than that of many other European countries. What are the reasons for this and what role do demographic factors play? An examination of institutional structural barriers and the socio-demographic composition of Ukrainian refugees in Germany sheds light on the factors influencing their entry into the labour market.

Adobe Stock / vectorfusionart

The new role of leaders in data-driven school development

On the use of strategic data utilisation in the German education system for educational standards and the promotion of equal opportunities.

Countries such as Canada and Estonia have achieved considerable success through data-driven strategies and offer valuable approaches for Germany. Leaders in school boards and ministries play a critical role. The Canadian province of Alberta shows how clear policies and structured use of data can foster a culture of collaborative professionalism. It is recommended to develop technical and analytical competences for data use, to strengthen cooperative professionalism and to clearly define and review strategic goals.


From Titanium to Taurus

Ukrainian resources and european supply chain resilience in times of war

Ukraine has high reserves of raw materials, the extraction of which could significantly improve the economic situation and finance the reconstruction of the country. Some of these raw materials are essential for the production of weapon systems. Increased cooperation with the EU could integrate Ukraine into the European internal market and promote its own production of military technologies. However, it is crucial to minimize political challenges to enable necessary investments and not to lose the raw material reserves to Russia.

Asset Publisher

About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


Order details


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Head of Strategy and Planning +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

Referentin Publikationen +49 30 26996-3706