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EU-Japan Critical Raw Materials Alliance

How the EU and Japan could benefit from large-scale cooperation in the field of rare earth elements

In the face of growing geopolitical risks, including the use of critical minerals as a tool of economic coercion, the EU and Japan need to deepen their cooperation and promote efforts to reduce their dependency on China. Therefore the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) propose an ambitious cooperation, including EU-Japan public-private funds, joint procurement and stockpiling, collaboration on environmental measures and technology development, and the establishment of a critical raw materials club.

Adobe Stock / Dancing Man

Kazakhstan’s Energy Transition

Tackling the Challenges on Kazakhstan’s Path to Carbon Neutrality

Kazakhstan is the first Central Asian country to set ambitious targets for renewable energy and carbon neutrality. This makes Kazakhstan a pioneer in the region’s energy transition, but the country faces significant challenges. Despite the progress made so far, there is a need for profound sectoral reforms, effective carbon pricing, and the right balance between economic growth and environmental responsibility to achieve a sustainable and low-carbon future in the long term.

Johnny Ryan

Creating the Space for Competitive & Resilient Digital Europe

Streamline Enforcement or Risk Prosperity and Safety

Europe has developed a powerful regulatory toolbox to address digital challenges. For Europe’s SMEs and startups to scale up, it is not enough to invest in our infrastructure and innovation. We must clear space in the market. The effective enforcement of EU law against large, non-European companies is crucial. A taskforce of Chief Enforcement Officers with an overarching commission approach could deploy enforcement instruments strategically and coherently – without the need to further legislate.

IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Climate change in Europe: The flood of the century in Spain

Political and social consequences of the natural disaster

On 29 October 2024, the Spanish region of Valencia was hit by a severe flash flood. The ‘cold drop’ meteorological phenomenon has claimed the lives of 217 people so far, with 16 still missing. The damage already amounts to a mid double-digit billion euro sum. A multi-layered political reappraisal is now beginning, which encompasses several levels, from (omitted) prevention measures to acute crisis management and party political instrumentalization.

Adobe Stock / Dzmitry

Nigeria’s Energy Transition

Approaches for an efficient and pragmatic energy transition and climate protection

Africa’s largest economy is rich in both fossil fuel and renewable energy resources. Nonetheless, the country is faced with severe energy access deficits, stifling its economic growth, industrialisation, and sustainable development. A just and efficient transition to a sustainable energy system requires a combination of political, technological and financial measures. The goal is to ensure fairness, inclusivity and alignment with national priorities in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

„Eine hilfreiche Initiative“

25 Jahre Freundeskreis

85 Förderinnen und Förderer des Freundeskreises der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung feierten am 8. November 2024 im Haus der Commerzbank in Berlin das 25-jährige Bestehen des Vereins, der ideell und finanziell die Stiftung unterstützt.

Adobe Stock / Daria; generiert mit KI

Bits and bytes for global health: opportunities and challenges of digital health and AI

How the potential of Digital Health and AI are revolutionising global healthcare: ethical and data protection hurdles included

Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform healthcare worldwide, especially in regions with limited medical infrastructure. Through digital innovations, diagnoses can be more accurate, health inequalities can be reduced, and access to medical care can be expanded. However, privacy concerns, ethical challenges, and infrastructural gaps continue to pose significant obstacles. Cooperation and responsible regulation are essential in order to fully utilise the potential.

IMAGO / Newscom / GDA

Reactions from the Middle East and North Africa to the US elections

Hope, pragmatism and concern

The results of the US elections and Donald Trump's victory have provoked a mixed response in the Middle East and North Africa. Reactions range from hope to pragmatism to concern about the future of the region. This publication provides an overview of the reactions of the countries in the region.

IMAGO / Fotoarena

Brazil on a Summit High: Neutral and Pragmatic

Brazil ahead of the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro

With its pragmatic equidistance, the host of this year's G20 summit is reaching its limits in terms of foreign policy, but its neutrality also offers opportunities. Thanks to its stringent neutrality and a good dose of pragmatism, Brazil has many options for diversifying its foreign and trade relations. In times of multiple crises, this strategy sometimes reaches its limits. The escalating global conflicts require clear commitments and clear action. Multiple interests must be carefully weighed up and close ties are becoming more difficult - in all directions. Brazil is a sought-after partner that is making a confident appearance on the international stage during Brazil's G20 year. Germany and Europe would be well advised not to close the doors that are still open.

IMAGO / Le Pictorium

Sudan crisis hits Sahel country Chad

An opportunity for Russia?

Chad is increasingly impacted by civil war raging in Sudan. Almost one million Sudanese have fled to eastern Chad, fuelling competition over land with locals who also complain about food prices. More refugees are expected to arrive as the warring parties in Sudan show no signs of willing to lay down arms – Europe is concerned that some will make their way to Libya to catch a boat to Italy. Chad’s President Mahamat Déby meanwhile is diversifying his partnerships by keeping his distance from France, the country’s traditional main partner, while also talking to Russia and working with the United Arab Emirates – the latter stands accused of channelling weapons via Chad to Sudan (Abu Dhabi denies the charges.

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