Asset Publisher

KAS International

Information from the Division of European and International Cooperation


KAS International 1/2018

Informationen aus der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Politischer Dialog | Rechtsstaat | Demokratie und Entwicklung | Wirtschafts- und Sozialordnung | Werte- und Religionsdialog | Medien | Namen und Gesichter | Neuerscheinungen

KAS International 3/2017

News from the department of European and International Cooperation

We are living in a time marked by profound changes. Driven by technologicaladvancements – in particular the exponential expansion of digitalisation,robotics and artificial intelligence – our way of working, living andthe manner in which we engage in interpersonal relationships, is subjectto transformation. Similar to 150 years ago, when the transition from asociety shaped by agriculture to industry was well underway, citizensperceive this change with unease: the old cannot remain the way it is,but the face of the new world remains unclear.

KAS International 2/2017

News from the department of European and International Cooperation

Africa´s economic transformation in the context of the G20 partnership | Conference on the Latin American G20 Agenda | Trends in the global pursuit of interests | "Ideas for Europe"

KAS International 1/2017

News from the department of European and International Cooperation

Political Dialogue | Democracy and Development | KAS Panorama | Dialogue on Values and Religion | Names and Faces

KAS International 3/2016

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main themes among others: #africablogging | International Trump vs. Clinton Forum | Speech by Argentinian President Mauricio Macro at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Academy | 6th NATO-Asia/Pacific Dialogue | Federal President Gauck attends congress on democracy in Chile

KAS International 2/2016

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main topics among others: Addressing the Causes of the Refugee Crisis | Strengths and Weaknesses of the EU-Turkey Agreement | International Dialogue on the Sustainable Development Agenda | Is Greater Political Involvement of Women the Way out of the Political Crisis?

KAS International 1/2016

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main themes among others: Assessment of international response to Paris climate change conference COP21 | Paths towards a low-carbon economy in Ukraine | Limes Europae - The external borders of the European Union

KAS International 2/2015

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main themes among others: German-Turkish Security Dialogue | Global Political Challenges and Transatlantic Answers | Electoral Reform in Brazil | Maritime Lifelines: World Trade and Security | Social Market Economy in the Arab World?

KAS International 1/2015

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main themes among others: The Holy Land and the Germans | Training: Limbering up for the Campaign | KAS Brazil kicks off partnership with Transparency International | IDD-LAT 2014 presented in Mexico and Guatemala

KAS International 3/2014

News from the Department of European and International Cooperation

Main themes among others: Japan, Germany and Afghanistan | 25 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall | 25 Years Pan-European Picnic | #africablogging - Political Blogs From Africa | Eastern Partnership: Strategies For Rapproachement with the EU

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About this series

This series informs about current important events and developments of our work to point out our wide spectrum of activities.

Order details


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, European and International cooperation