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Politics and Trust– On the Future of Democracy and a Free Society
In the framework of our "KAS Open Day 2021" on June 10, Mr Armin Laschet and Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi discussed about politics and trust and in this context more specifically on the future of democracy and free society.
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„From Karlsruhe to Singapore? “– Sustainability through Innovation
Innovation is seen as a positive development for society, business, and the political world. But presenting innovation alone is not enough. The question is how we can use innovation sustainably in our efforts to strengthen Germany.
Video dialogue with the KAS Singapore Office, KAS Berlin and the Political Education Forum Stuttgart in Karlsruhe.
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Respect for people in uniform
Internal security is of major importance for cohesion in society. Threats at home, caused, for example, by the measures against and effects of the Corona pandemic, also influence people’s attitude towards politics.
Related to this is the question of whether and how the public respects people in uniform. How do the German Army or the police position themselves regarding their function as protectors? Where can the government provide support?
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Power to the Citizens! Are citizens better at democracy?
Citizen information and participation can enrich representative democracy. They offer an opportunity to mobilize citizens‘engagement, knowledge and experience for good governance, thus strengthening not only the democratic community but also the public’s trust in politics. At the same time, representative democracy is a guarantor of stability and sustainable efficiency and must be made fit for the future.
How can the legitimacy of parliamentary decisions be supported by political participation of citizens beyond electoral cycles? How do we communicate the value of the representative system and how can we strengthen the discourse on further mechanisms of political opinion-forming and policymaking?
Video dialogue with the democracy lab of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Greifswald, the Chile offices as well as the Foundation in Berlin.