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Dr. Andreas Jacobs
Deputy Head of Analysis and Consulting and Head of Department Social Cohesion

Andreas Jacobs has worked for the Foundation since 2002 in various roles on the Middle East, security and religious policy. From 2007 to 2012, he headed the Foundation's international office in Cairo. Between 2013 and 2016, he worked at the NATO Defense College in Rome, where he was a research advisor responsible for NATO's training programs with officers from the Middle East. Before working for the KAS, Andreas Jacobs was a research associate at the Research Institute for Political Science at the University of Cologne from 1998 to 2001. He studied political science, Islamic studies and German language and literature in Cologne, Tunis and Cairo and was a scholarship holder of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the DAAD and the ZEIT Foundation.
Externe Publikationen
- Rechtliche Optionen für Kooperationen zwischen deutschem Staat und muslimischen Gemeinschaften, Münster 2019 (Hrsg. mit Karlies Abmeier und Thomas Köhler)
- Regulatory Response. Germany and the Threat of Jihadist Terrorism, in: Coen, Myrianne (ed.): Defense against Terrorism, Enhancing Resilience of Democratic Institutions and Rule of Law, Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington 2019, pp. 245-254
- Countering Jihadi Terrorism. A Comparative Analysis of French and German Experiences, in: Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 30, Nr. 1-2, 2018 (mit Jean-Loup Samaan)
- NATO’s Hybrid Flanks. Handling unconventional Warfare in the South and the East, NDC Research Paper No. 112, Rome 2015 (with Guillaume Lasconjarias)
- Player at the Sidelines. NATO and the fight against ISIL, NDC Research Paper No. 110, Rome 2015 (with Jean-Loup Samaan)
- Realism, in: Schieder, Siegfried/Spindler, Manuela (eds.): Theories of International Relations, London/New York 2014
- Religionspolitik
- Islam und Gesellschaft
- Nahost- und Sicherheitspolitik
- Religiöser Extremismus