Asset Publisher

Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer

Policy Advisor Homeland and Cyber Security

Ferdinand Gehringer has been working at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung since March 2021 and since November 2021 as a Policy Advisor on Cybersecurity in the Department International Politics and Security. Prior to that, he initially worked as a Policy Advisor for International Law and Rule of Law and he was the Coordinator of the Foundation's Rule of Law Programmes. Ferdinand Gehringer is a licensed lawyer and certified mediator.


Main areas of work

IT Security, IT Legislation and Regulation, Protection of Critical Infrastructure, National Cybersecurity Architecture, Cyber Capacity Building, Cyber Resilience, Hybrid Threats, Disinformation, Cognitive Warfare



Geopolitics, Technology, Digitalization, Regulation


External publications

Contact +49 30 26996 3709


Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher