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Florian C. Feyerabend
Head of KAS Vietnam

Florian Constantin Feyerabend has been Resident Representative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam since August 2021. Mr Feyerabend has been working for the foundation in Germany and abroad since 2014. After a two-year posting to Georgia, where he worked for the foundation in the regional program Political Dialogue South Caucasus and temporarily headed it, he moved to Berlin in May 2016 to join the Europe and North America department. Until April 2021, Mr Feyerabend was responsible for the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe. Mr. Feyerabend studied political and administrative sciences as well as international relations in Konstanz, Sheffield and Bangkok. During his studies he gained his first practical work experience in Southeast Asia, e.g. at the German Embassy in Bangkok and at Siemens.