Asset Publisher
Martina Kaiser
Internal Project Coordination

Martina Kaiser has been a staff member of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since 2012. Initially, she was responsible for the project work of the KAS in Southeast Asia as an officer in the Asia and Pacific Team of the European and International Cooperation (EIZ) Department.
From January 2013 to September 2015, she was in charge of the Foundation's international media programmes. Afterwards, she took on tasks as a European Policy Officer. From April 2017 to September 2018, Ms Kaiser was responsible for cross-cutting tasks in the Policy Dialogue and Analysis team and then moved to the Agenda 2030 department, where she was in charge of the Sustainable Development and, from January 2020, Global Health work areas.
Since May 2023, Martina Kaiser has been responsible for the conception, coordination and implementation of cross-departmental priority projects as an Internal Project Coordination Officer in the Analysis and Advisory Services Department (AuB).
Martina Kaiser studied German, Romance and European Studies at the Technical University in Dresden and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). She gained further professional experience at Axel Springer AG and in the Bundestag, where she worked in the Human Rights Committee.