Asset Publisher
Dr. Melanie Piepenschneider
Department Head, Department Civic Education

Head of Political Education
Universities of Mainz and Frankfurt: Political sciences (focus on international politics), law, journalism and social sciences
Professional Experience
1986 - 1991: Research assistant at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, 1991 Deputy head of the research group Youth and Europe at the Institute for Political Science
1991 PhD about young people’s attitudes towards Europe
1991 - 1998: Head of the European Research Department at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Sankt Augustin
1998 - 2008: Head of the Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Berlin
2008 - today: Head of the Main Department Political Education of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Berlin
1992-2006: Lecturer at the universities of Mainz, Cologne, Bochum, Berlin
Board Memberships
- Member of the scientific board of the Institute for European Politics
- Member of the advisory board of the publication series "Non-formal Political Education" at Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts.
- Member of the advisory board of Friends of Yad Vashem e.V. Berlin
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the "European Youth Policy Unit (AeJP)" of the German Youth Institute Munich
- Member of the board of "Against Forgetting - For Democracy e.V." Berlin