Asset Publisher
Art and culture do not symbolise the pleasant niche of our society, but rather the essence that holds it together.
Asset Publisher
Purpose of the Foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to promote education and education, art and culture, understanding among nations and tolerance as well as development aid, including humanitarian and charitable measures.
The Board of Trustees which, according to the Articles of Association, is composed of four members and chaired by the Chairman Norbert Lammert, decides how the funds are to be used. Additional members of the Board of Trustees are the Deputy Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees Gertrud Lammert, the Secretary General of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Head of Finance at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
The foundation was established on 18 November 2002 by Norbert Lammert.
Funded Projects
The Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung promotes school and academic education in particular, but also talented young people’s entry into professional life both in Germany and abroad.
Together with The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN), each year the foundation awards educational grants to Namibian pupils to achieve a higher education entrance qualification and supports a socio-cultural project of this partner. What is more, in the past the foundation sponsored internships for university graduates at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s country offices. In Guatemala, the Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung financed the procurement of school materials such as benches, desks and blackboards for the Centre for Families and Disadvantaged Children (CAFNIMA). In Honduras, it funded materials for vocational training measures. In 2018, the foundation supported the renovation of the Peruvian girls’ home Hogar Santa María del Camino in Lima in the aftermath of a serious fire.
Between 2009 and 2016, the foundation financed the awarding of the German Dance Prize ‘Future’, which honours young dancers and choreographers. The now internationally renowned award-winners include Marijn Rademaker, Iana Salenko, Eric Gauthier, Demis Volpi and the federal youth ballet. In 2019, funding will be continued with a new focus.
In cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung hosted the event “Deutschlandbilder” (Images of Germany), in the framework of which ambassadors from Poland and Israel were invited to present their personal impressions of our country. The event series “die öffentliche Rede” (Public Speech) (2011 to 2015) was also a cooperation between both foundations. This was about how the culture of speech in politics, the economy, churches and sport has changed over recent years.
It was in 2014 that the Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung provided the Neues Gymnasium Bochum (grammar school) with 15 graphic works by Bochum artists. The foundation also organised readings by authors at schools.
The foundation is currently supporting the initiative ICOON for kids & families – Heimat für junge Familien (home for young families), aimed at young parents and children of nursery and primary school age and promotes the joint experience of music and dance, as well as the Bolivian Chamber of Music Society. This organisation has set itself the goal of using concerts to get younger and poorer audiences in Bolivia enthusiastic about classical music.
Non-Profit Foundation
The Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung is recognised as a non-profit foundation and is administered in trust by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Contributions to the foundation's assets and donations to the foundation are tax-deductible. The foundation is a private initiative exclusively financed via proceeds from the foundation’s capital as well as voluntary contributions.
Support the Norbert-Lammert-Stiftung!
Donation account
IBAN DE41 4306 0967 4072 1435 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, Bochum
Overview of previously funded projects (selection)
- Scholarships for internships in country offices of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (2005-2010)
- Support for the University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN) (2005-2019)
- Funding of the school the Poor Clares Santa Clare des Asis in Lima, Peru (2006)
- German Dance Award “Future” (2009-2016)
- Support for the Deutschlandbilder (Images of Germany) event (2009-2010)
- Support for the öffentliche Rede (Public Speech) event series (2011-2015)
- Funding of a graphic novel on social market economy (2013)
- Funding of the doctoral project Soundtrack BRD (2016)
- Support for project work by the non-profit association CAFNIMA, Guatemala (2017)
- Support for project work by Fe y Alegria, Honduras (2017)
- Support for the day care Hogar Amor des Dios in Lima, Peru (2018)
- Support for the girl’s home Santa Maria del Camino in Lima, Peru (2018)
- Support for the Kinderaugen (children’s eye) initiative (2018)
- Support for the ICOON for kids & families initiative (2019)
- Funding of the Bolivian Chamber Music Society (2019)