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Designing Data Trustees – A Purpose-Based Approach

by Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht Riemenschneider, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kerber

On the legal design of data trustees: Call for sector-specific regulation

Data trustees can help solve a wide range of problems in the digital economy. Due to its diversity, however, the legal framework must not be a "one size fits all" solution. In addition to the horizontal requirements of the Data Governance Act, there is room for sector-specific and problem-oriented regulation in various sectors.

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Data trustees and data intermediaries are important tools of the European data economy that can develop their potential for the benefit of all, only if they are given the legal opportunity to do so. The study shows that the data fiduciary models to be considered in each case must be designed in a model-specific manner. It requires a completely different legal framework in each case in order to be able to contribute to solving the problem. The study analyses various challenges in three different sectors – healthcare, online and mobility – that can be solved by involving data trustees.

Read the entire study here as a PDF.

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Dr Pencho Kuzev


Data and the Competition Policy +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551
Facts and Findings
February 16, 2022
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