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Annual Reports

Annual Report 2016

Living shared values | Perspectives on the Year 2016

This Annual Report again documents a variety of activities, outstanding events, and projects while also underscoring our staff’s high level of professionalism and expertise, as well as their commitment worldwide to democracy, human dignity, freedom and the rule of law. We are certainly most grateful to all of them.

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2016 could go down in history as a year of political ordeals. Mounting populism (not just in Germany), Brexit and its consequences for the European community of nations, the challenges of flight, migration and integration, as well as the outcome of the US presidential election left one with the sense that the world could completely go off the rails.

Germany is entangled in these far-reaching crises, which have shaken the familiar political, economic and cultural order in Europe and the world to its core. Parts of society look to the future with fear and concern; others in turn exploit these uncertainties and use it to their advantage.

And yet, the conditions for successfully addressing these challenges are quite good. Germany is an economic, social and cultural power at the heart of Europe. The number of people working stands at record levels, the budget is balanced, and investments in education and research are higher than ever. We live in a country with one of the most efficient social welfare systems worldwide. Germany is a successful and powerful democracy, a reliable ally that is committed to European unity and commands respect everywhere.

These latest challenges can also be seen as an opportunity since they raise our awareness of the value of democratic institutions. They demonstrate that politics is always about a responsibility for the greater good. They underscore that this “perceived crisis” can in the end contribute to an open-minded understanding of democracy. They highlight that the allegiance to one’s “Heimat”, to one’s own country, and to European unity belong together. They showcase how a democratic constitution contributes to our identity – one where everyone belongs who recognises its rules and lives its values.

In Germany, we can rely on our democratic institutions, independent courts and free media – that ceased long ago being self-evident in today’s world. Social change and developments cannot be stopped or prevented. As politically aware, engaged citizens, we should take advantage of every opportunity to actively shape and influence future developments and changes.

We have chosen this slogan for our work in the year 2017 deliberately: “With Confidence into the Future”. We want to encourage people: encourage their involvement and participation; encourage them to trust in our democratic institutions and their resilience; encourage them to invest in the social and economic potential of our country.

Year in and year out, we organise numerous activities with the aim of particularly encouraging young people to discover and utilise their potential. We debate contemporary issues; show a variety of perspectives and solutions; foster participation; and promote an attitude that is based on our Christian democratic understanding.

If you want to find out more about our activities then please take a closer look at our website, – just as six million other visitors do annually.

Our gratitude extends to everyone who helps us shape and guide the future of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: the committee members for their trust and constructive cooperation, the supporters of the “Freundeskreis” (Friends of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), our donors, sponsors and partners for their support and especially all the members of our staff at home and abroad for their motivation and commitment.

It is our responsibility to shape the future of our commonwealth. So let us trust in the future!


You can download the full report as pdf.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


Sankt Augustin Germany