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CHADEMA (Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo, Party for Democracy and Progress) is the largest opposition party in Tanzania. After the national elections in October 2015, CHADEMA is represented in the Tanzanian Parliament (Bunge) by 72 MPs. It is also the official opposition in the Parliament. KAS Tanzania and CHADEMA have been working together since 2004. This technical cooperation includes capacity building for local leaders, programmatic support and structural coordination. Similar to CHADEMA, the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM - Revolutionary Party) as well as the other opposition party Civic United Front (CUF) both enjoy technical support from other German political foundations operating in Tanzania. Like the German party - Christian Democratic Union (CDU) - CHADEMA is also a member of the International Democratic Union (IDU). In order to foster the international democratic dialogue between parties, KAS Tanzania furthers the exchange of experience and expertise between CDU and CHADEMA. This agenda is only carried out and implemented in form of joint workshops and seminars. CHADEMA does not receive any kind of financial support from KAS Tanzania.