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Sustainability needs innovation

How do we protect the climate, environment and nature while ensuring social and economic development? We seek innovation, exchange and cooperation.

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We owe it to our children and future generations to leave them behind a world worth living in. Both Germany and Romania have ratified the Paris Declaration to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees. We must stop global warming. Our forests must be preserved as green lungs. We must stop the extinction of species so that the web of life on which we all depend remains intact. To achieve all this while ensuring economic and social development, innovation and technological development are essential. To this end, we rely on cooperation, creating knowledge bridges for exchange between German and Romanian innovators and open up information spaces. We are paying particular attention to digitization, the start-up scene and the research landscape.

What will we do in 2025?

In 2024, the EU Commission's ‘Draghi Report’ put its finger in the wound: the report states declining growth in the EU, primarily as a result of weak productivity development. The EU's current growth model is threatened by unfavourable developments in the areas of foreign trade, energy supply and external security. We ask: What is the situation in Romania? What can be done here and in dialogue with Germany to take countermeasures?

As part of a dialogue programme, we are inviting journalists from Germany to Romania to shed light on and communicate the rapid developments in the fields of AI, digitech and innovation in south-eastern Europe.

As part of an expert seminar, we will encourage and promote dialogue between German and Romanian urban planners. How can cities be made fit for the future within the framework of tight financial planning? 


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Katja Christina Plate

Katja Christina Plate

Head of the KAS Office Romania + 40 21 302 02 61

Mihai Marc

Mihai Marc

Research Associate / Project Coordinator +40 21 302 02 61