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Annual Report 2023

Insights into the year 2023 of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

In our annual report, you will find general information about us as a foundation, special projects, initiatives and events in the past year. You will also find content on our key topics, our fellowship with Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, reports from the main departments, special anniversaries, information on funding, the Board of Directors, the Board of Trustees, various committees, our circle of friends and much more.

imago/Gemini Collection

They know what they are doing

Prostitution and the Nordic model from the point of view of the clients

Prostitution is one of the most controversial topics in society and politics, which is also reflected in the various legal regulations within and outside Europe. While prostitution is legal and regulated by law in Germany, in other countries it is completely prohibited or is in a legal gray area. The so-called Nordic Model is another way and consists, among other things, of the complete decriminalization of prostituted persons with simultaneous criminalization of all profiteers including the demand, i.e. the clients. This article deals with the experiences of clients in the German prostitution milieu, what they know about coercion and violence within prostitution, and whether they should be criminalized in Germany.


Annual Report 2022

Insights into the year 2022 of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Against the backdrop of the war, our core themes - security, innovation and representation and participation - have once again proven their worth in the past year. They have given our work the necessary orientation in turbulent times. We were able to sharpen our positions and communicate them to the public in a targeted manner.


Token Study

Blockchain technology fundamentals and application scenarios

The token study analyses the technical properties of distributed ledger technology (DLT) as a central element of a blockchain. The focus is on a structured explanation of the fundamentals of DLT as well as current regulatory developments, with a view to case law in Germany and the EU. Building on this, selected application examples show the impact of DLT on industry and the financial sector. Finally, the study provides an outlook on the further development of the technology.

KAS/ACDP, Plakatsammlung

Christlich-Sozial? Liberal? Konservativ?

Die CDU zwischen gestern und morgen

Die CDU steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Wie sieht die Zukunft der Partei aus? Was sind ihre Antworten auf die Fragen der Zeit? Der Blick in die Geschichte zeigt, was die CDU stark gemacht hat und wofür sie steht.

The (More) Defensive Democracy

Russia and Ten Other Threats to Our Freedom

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has catapulted the question of the defensive potential of democracy to the foreground of public interest. However, we must not forget that tanks and missiles are not the only threat to our free society. This volume of essays is therefore devoted not only to the security threat situation in Europe, but also to several “softer” threats, at least not in the classical sense of military threats to democracy.

verkeorg / flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0


Wie Verfassungsgerichte arbeiten, und wovon es abhängt, ob sie integrieren oder polarisieren

Die Publikation widmet sich den richterlichen Entscheidungsprozessen und Beratungspraxen an verschiedenen Verfassungsgerichten und setzt sich mit ihren Einflussgrößen auseinander – Denn der menschliche Entscheidungsfindungsprozess und die Entscheidung selbst werden stets beeinflusst durch vielschichtige Umstände und Bedingungen. Wovon ist eine unparteiische, abgewogene Rechtsprechung abhängig und wann bildet diese innergerichtliche fraktionäre Stärkeverhältnisse ab?


Annual Report 2021

Democracy: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Looks to the Future

In 2021, our main topics – innovation, security, and representation and participation – were highly relevant, particularly due to the pandemic. We believe that they will remain just as topical in 2022.

© picoStudio, und DisobeyArt,

Wahlrecht mit 16 – Chance oder Irrweg?

Eine Analyse aus juristischer Perspektive

Auf Bundesebene wird die Absenkung des aktiven Wahlalters auf 16 Jahre für Bundestagswahlen erneut diskutiert. Für eine Änderung des im Grundgesetz festgeschriebenen Wahlalters bedarf es allerdings einer Zweidrittelmehrheit in Bundestag und Bundesrat, die in naher Zukunft nicht wahrscheinlich ist. Darüber hinaus widerspräche die Herabsetzung des Wahlalters den Grundsätzen der deutschen Rechtsordnung, die regelmäßig zur Feststellung der Reife auf die Volljährigkeit mit 18 Jahren zurückgreift.

KAS/yellow too, Pasiek Horntrich GbR

Jihadism in Belgium

A country that has suffered badly and still needs to be vigilant

This paper is part of the “Jihadist Terrorism in Europe” series, in which renowned experts analyze the current state of the jihadist threat in various countries, as well as the related counter-terrorism strategies and the political debates. Belgium is one of Europe’s hardest hit countries in the wave of jihadist terrorism and still faces a terrorism threat today. Possible future attacks are also likely to contribute to an already kindled polarization in society.

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Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Head of Strategy and Planning +49 30 26996-3803

Franziska Faehnrich

Franziska Faehnrich

Strategy and Planning, Publications + 49 30 26996-3913