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Addisou Deresse

From Paralysis to Progress? Who will be the new face of the African Union?

A portrait of the candidates for the chairmanship of the AU Commission

The African heads of state will elect a new leadership on February 15th and 16th. Will the new chairman of the African Union Commission be able to tackle existing challenges that have been paralyzing the efficiency of the Union? Who are the candidates for the most powerful position within the AU and what do they stand for? Martino Faccenda and Lukas Kupfernagel have been taking a look behind the scenes to unpack the candidates and potential implications for the future EU-AU relations.

The African Union in 2025 - Insights and Outlooks

Study Publication

As Africa navigates a period of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, the African Union (AU) finds itself at a pivotal moment in its history. In recent years, the continent has faced a complex array of issues, including the resurgence of unconstitutional changes of government, the spread and intensification of terrorism, the COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of internal conflicts such as in Sudan, and increasing inter-state tensions. These challenges have compelled African countries and the AU to reevaluate its functioning and leadership. At the same time, major geopolitical shifts, such as the African Union’s admission into the G20 and renewed discussions on United Nations Security Council reform, offer Africa a unique opportunity to assert itself on the global stage.

From Policy to Practice

Implementing Transitional Justice in Ethiopia with International Standards

In the wake of Ethiopia’s tumultuous history, the recently adopted transitional justice policy marks a pivotal step towards truth, accountability, healing, and reconciliation. This policy brief, crafted by Dr. Tadesse Simie, delves into the intricate process of implementing transitional justice in Ethiopia, aligning with international standards and best practices.

Die Guided Trade Initiative

Between protectionism and potentials

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is regarded as the African Union's project of hope - 54 African countries have committed to joining the free trade area by 2063 and shaping the future of the continent. But what are the results of the pilot project, the "Guided Trade Initiative"? A look at the first attempts of free trade on the continent.

IMAGO / Xinhua

BRICS is growing

Ethiopia’s new relevance in geopolitics and trade

The BRICS community of states will be history from 1 January 2024 and will receive a new acronym through the admission of six new member states. Ethiopia will also join the BRICS next year and has high hopes for its membership. But what does this mean for the fundamental positioning of Africa's most populous country after Nigeria in world politics?

Summit Diplomacy

KAS Newsletter: African Union - December 16, 2022

49 heads of state and government travel to Washington DC. The continent is still ailing from the pandemic's economic shocks. 2023 will be a major election year for Africa. Who will become the new AU chairperson?

The Architecture and Use of Emergency Powers: The Case of Ethiopia

From 1995 until 2020

Prof. Zelalem Eshetu Degifie analyzes the use of emergency powers in Ethiopia.

Wettbewerb belebt das Geschäft: Ergebnisse des EU-AU-Gipfels in Brüssel

Der EU-AU-Gipfel Mitte Februar in Brüssel sollte die Partnerschaft der beiden Nachbarn erneuern. Im Resümee können beide Seiten zufrieden sein. Zu den wichtigen Signalen des Gipfels zählen die Verabschiedung eines massiven Investitionspaketes, ein starkes Bekenntnis zur multilateralen Zusammenarbeit und konkrete Kooperationszusagen in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Pandemiebekämpfung, Sicherheit, sowie Klima und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Aspekte Demokratie und Menschenrechte führten dagegen eher ein Schattendasein. Zudem bleibt die Finanzierung der Energiewende in Afrika ein ungelöstes Thema über den Gipfel hinaus. Allgemein muss die EU im globalen Systemwettbewerb weiter daran arbeiten, die Attraktivität ihres eigenen Angebots auszubauen und Schnittmengen bei den Interessen in der Partnerschaft mit Afrika zu verdeutlichen.

GovernmentZA / GCIS / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0 /

China in Africa: Wielding Influence in the Age of Coronavirus

How the Chinese Communist Party Shapes Narratives and Builds Influence in Africa

The new study “Wielding Influence in the Age of Coronavirus” analyses China’s response to the Coronavirus in Africa.