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Event reports

The role of the diaspora in the politics of the homeland

Advancing the democratization process

Konrad Adenauer Foundation - Albania in cooperation with the international movement “Diaspora për Shqipërinë e Lirë/ Diaspora for a Free Albania” organized on 17.02.2021 a round table between members of the European Parliament and the Bundestag as well as representatives of the Albanian diaspora from Kosovo, Rumania and Moldavia on the importance of diaspora in the homeland politics and the exercise of the right to vote from abroad.

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By bringing together various exponents from academic and political levels, the event enabled a deeper discussion of all the political challenges of the diaspora. The clear presentation of the economic and political impact of the diaspora in the decision-making processes served as a means of raising public awareness. Moreover, despite the severe pandemic measures, the event enabled the exchange of contacts between these exponents in order to put the goals of the Albanian diaspora into practice.


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Klaudja Zerva

Klaudja Zerva bild

Programmkoordinatorin +355 4 22 66 525


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