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Asset Publisher

EU-Japan Critical Raw Materials Alliance

How the EU and Japan could benefit from large-scale cooperation in the field of rare earth elements

In the face of growing geopolitical risks, including the use of critical minerals as a tool of economic coercion, the EU and Japan need to deepen their cooperation and promote efforts to reduce their dependency on China. Therefore the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) propose an ambitious cooperation, including EU-Japan public-private funds, joint procurement and stockpiling, collaboration on environmental measures and technology development, and the establishment of a critical raw materials club.

Adobe Stock / Dancing Man

Kazakhstan’s Energy Transition

Tackling the Challenges on Kazakhstan’s Path to Carbon Neutrality

Kazakhstan is the first Central Asian country to set ambitious targets for renewable energy and carbon neutrality. This makes Kazakhstan a pioneer in the region’s energy transition, but the country faces significant challenges. Despite the progress made so far, there is a need for profound sectoral reforms, effective carbon pricing, and the right balance between economic growth and environmental responsibility to achieve a sustainable and low-carbon future in the long term.

Johnny Ryan

Creating the Space for Competitive & Resilient Digital Europe

Streamline Enforcement or Risk Prosperity and Safety

Europe has developed a powerful regulatory toolbox to address digital challenges. For Europe’s SMEs and startups to scale up, it is not enough to invest in our infrastructure and innovation. We must clear space in the market. The effective enforcement of EU law against large, non-European companies is crucial. A taskforce of Chief Enforcement Officers with an overarching commission approach could deploy enforcement instruments strategically and coherently – without the need to further legislate.

Adobe Stock / Dzmitry

Nigeria’s Energy Transition

Approaches for an efficient and pragmatic energy transition and climate protection

Africa’s largest economy is rich in both fossil fuel and renewable energy resources. Nonetheless, the country is faced with severe energy access deficits, stifling its economic growth, industrialisation, and sustainable development. A just and efficient transition to a sustainable energy system requires a combination of political, technological and financial measures. The goal is to ensure fairness, inclusivity and alignment with national priorities in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

Adobe Stock / Daria; generiert mit KI

Bits and bytes for global health: opportunities and challenges of digital health and AI

How the potential of Digital Health and AI are revolutionising global healthcare: ethical and data protection hurdles included

Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform healthcare worldwide, especially in regions with limited medical infrastructure. Through digital innovations, diagnoses can be more accurate, health inequalities can be reduced, and access to medical care can be expanded. However, privacy concerns, ethical challenges, and infrastructural gaps continue to pose significant obstacles. Cooperation and responsible regulation are essential in order to fully utilise the potential.

Adobe Stock / bluedesign

Increased interest in Europe

Results from representative surveys on European political attitudes after the European elections

The study analyses how the Germans' attitudes towards the European Union have changed. How has trust in the EU developed? To what extent is the EU associated with peace, security, prosperity and strength in the world? Which voting motives were particularly important for the decision to vote for a specific party in the European elections and do the voting motives differ compared to the last Bundestag elections? The results of the study confirm the positive attitude of Germans towards the European Union that previous studies by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation have already shown.

Saudi Arabia’s Net-Zero World Narrative

Balancing Hydrocarbon Dependency and Sustainable Development in the Gulf Region

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region are experiencing a faster warming trend than the global average, placing them at the forefront of climate change. As a leading oil producer, Saudi Arabia stands at a pivotal crossroads, grappling with the challenge of transitioning to a sustainable future while safeguarding its economic stability. This study examines the Kingdom’s ambitious net-zero goals, the challenges of implementing the Circular Carbon Economy, and the gap between ambition and action.

Adobe Stock / Thomas Renz und Northvolt Pressefoto

Securing prosperity and sustainably

Successful structural change through climate-neutral industrialisation

How can the generally desired structural change towards climate-neutral industries be achieved? In Germany, the path to this goal can vary considerably from state to state: Federal States with existing industries need to secure a larger supply of clean energy, while states in the north in particular already produce more than enough clean electricity but do not have enough industrial customers for it. In our study the authors look particularly at Schleswig-Holstein as an example.

Adobe Stock / Huy Nguyen

The Economic Race in Southeast Asia – and why Europe is falling behind

How Europe can compete with China, Japan, and the United States?

In rapidly emerging Southeast Asia, global economic powers are vying for influence. While China, the United States, and Japan have strategically repositioned themselves in the region, Europe risks falling behind. What unites these three nations is their use of various models of cooperation between government and business as part of a comprehensive strategy to support their companies' market entry into Southeast Asia. Europe should learn from the strategic adjustments of its competitors and align its political measures more closely with the interests of European businesses in the region.

Courage for new ideas – How can we increase the efficiency of our healthcare system?

For lasting reliability of our healthcare system

The Federal Republic of Germany has an efficient healthcare system, which also enjoys a high international reputation, because medical progress is available here when needed, largely independently of the financial means of the individual. However, new treatment options and demographic change are leading to a sharp increase in expenditure for statutory health insurance. How can this expenditure be covered by contribution income in the long term and how can the long-term reliability of our healthcare system be ensured in view of these problems?

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.

Handouts for Political Education

Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung
an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen

Mit der Reihe „Handreichungen zur Politischen Bildung“ möchte die Politische Bildung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger über politische Entwicklungen informieren, Orientierungen in Sachfragen geben und das Interesse an politischer Mitwirkung stärken. Die Handreichungen verstehen sich als Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen.

Historical-Political Communications

Archive for Christian democratic politics

The "Historisch-Politische Mitteilungen" are available in bookshops. They appear once a year with a volume of approx. 260 pages. The retail price is 19,50 EUR.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.


The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Materials for the Work on Site

Kleine Schriftenreihe zu aktuellen Themen der Kommunalpolitik

Mit der eigenen Reihe "Materialien für die Arbeit vor Ort" bereitet die Stiftung zu aktuellen Themen wichtige Informationen in handhabbarer Form auf, so dass sie in der kommunalpolitischen Praxis nutzbar sind. Eine weitere Serie unter dem Titel "Diskurs kommunal" befasst sich mit besonderen Aspekten der Kommunalpolitik.

Commercial Publications

Zu aktuellen und zeitgeschichtlichen politischen Themen veröffentlicht die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Publikationen in renommierten Verlagen. Ein besonderer Stellenwert kommt hierbei der seit dem Jahr 2000 erscheinenden Taschenbuchreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Herder Verlag zu.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results.

Asset Publisher

Completed publication series

Working Paper

Broschürenreihe mit Darstellungen und Positionen, die kurzfristig auf aktuelle politische Fragen reagieren


Berichte aus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Die Herausgabe der "Einblicke" ist ausgesetzt. "Einblicke" hat alle drei Monate über die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung berichtet.

Research and Sources on Contemporary History

In der Reihe „Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte“ veröffentlicht das Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik seit 1980 wissenschaftliche Studien zur Christlichen Demokratie, Darstellungen zur Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und der CDU sowie Biographien wichtiger Repräsentanten. Zu den 50 bisher erschienen Büchern zählen auch Quelleneditionen, wie Protokolle von Parteigremien oder Tagebücher von einflussreichen Politikern. Die Publikationen sind im Buchhandel erhältlich.

Sociopolitical Series

Veröffentlicht wurden herausragende Dissertationsschriften mit gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Themen von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Begabtenförderung und Personen, die ihrem Promotionskolleg „Soziale Marktwirtschaft“ kooptiert sind.

Die Reihe gab den Autorinnen und Autoren ein wissenschaftliches und publizistisches Forum und brachte aktuelle Themen in die öffentliche Diskussion ein.

Basic Questions of Christian Democracy

In dieser Reihe erschienen im Jahr 2006 Texte namenhafter Autoren zu Grundfragen der christlichen Demokratie.

In Conversation

Kulturpolitische Umschau

Zeitschrift mit Berichten aus Bundestag und Bundesländern, Gastbeiträgen, Rezensionen und Presseauswertungen zur aktuellen Kulturpolitik.

In Plenary

Broschürenreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mit den Beiträgen von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.

In Plenary Compact

Die Broschüren im DIN-A-4-Format fassen kurz und knapp die Ergebnisse von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen zusammen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.


Reden, Essays und Grundsatzpapiere zu drängenden Zeitfragen

In dieser Broschürenreihe veröffentlicht die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung grundlegende Positionen zu wichtigen Themen der Zeit.

Future Forum Politics

Broschürenreihe zu aktuellen politischen Themen, welche über die Tagespolitik hinaus reichen

Zukunftsforum Politik

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results.