Asset Publisher
Electoral and Social Research
Asset Publisher
The complex links between politics and society together with the rapid social change call for scientific instruments to observe and understand these processes. A close observation of societal and political change forms a basis to react timely to changing interests, needs and expectations. Core is a description of continuities and long-term changes in the electorate and thereby analyzing social change to build solid ground for political decisions. Therefore, social and electoral research is an integral part of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s analytical work.
In this perspective, the Department Electoral and Social Research provides in its studies and analyses answers to the questions of our time: Which are the important issues on the public agenda? What are the key determinants of electoral decision-making? How are political attitudes and interpretation frames socially embedded?
Our experts cover a broad range of issues from general societal trends down to aspects of the party system. Besides analyzing available data, the primary approach are own qualitative and quantitative studies, designed and commissioned by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. A broad rich pool of differentiated data enables the investigation of causes in trends and helps in the early provision of development forecasts. The Department’s core areas are analyses of electorates and election results, climate of opinion, societal change and political participation.
The analyses of electorate results are produced in the Department Electoral and Social Research.