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International Politics and Security Affairs

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For Europe, Russia's revisionist great power policy, the military rise of China, political instability in the neighbouring MENA region and the increased potential for acts of terrorist violence are creating a challenging security policy situation. Exacerbated by the US shifting its military focus to Asia and President Trump's questioning of the transatlantic partnership of values, there is an urgent need for action by Germany, the EU and the European NATO partners.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung observes and analyses global security policy changes and develops options for action and recommendations for German and European policy.

The International Politics and Security Department analyses Germany's foreign and security policy. It analyses both the threat situation and Germany's role in the search for conflict solutions and conflict prevention strategies.

In addition to dealing with cyber actors and cyber attacks, disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare, we look at the threats posed by international terrorist organisations and extremist movements within Europe. In the context of this threat situation, we deal with German and European strategies for counter-terrorism, deradicalisation, violence prevention, resilience and a resilient democracy. The security architecture of Germany and Europe as well as the federal and inter-European cooperation of "blue-light-organisations", police authorities and intelligence services also play a role here.

The annual "Adenauer Conference" on foreign and security policy and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's working groups on foreign policy, terrorism and internal security are important components of the department's work.

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445


Team member

Jan Senkyr

Jan Senkyr

Policy Advisor Foreign and Security Policy +49 30 26996-3936
Team member

Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer

Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer

Policy Advisor Homeland and Cyber Security +49 30 26996 3709
Team member

Amelie Stelzner-Doğan

Stelzner, Amelie

Policy Advisor German Armed Forces and Civil Affairs +49 30 26996 -3795
Team member

Matthias Hespe

Matthias Hespe Portrait

Policy Advisor Maritime Security +49 30 26996-3882
Team member

Felix Neumann

Felix Neumann

Policy Advisor Counter-Extremism and Counter-Terrorism +49 30 26996-3879
Team member

Matthias Barner

Matthias Barner bild

Policy Advisor European Security
Team member

Evelyn Gaiser

Evelyn Gaiser

Policy Advisor Transatlantic Relations/ NATO +49 30 26996-3645

Christin Hesse

Christin Hesse

Administrator +49 30 26996 3855

Melanie Wirth

Portrait von Melanie Wirth.

Administrator +49 30 26996 3266

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