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Africa: Transitions and transformations

Africa_ Transitions and transformations (Cover)

After the Arab Spring: Political Islam on the Rise? | New Government or New System? A Special Path for Morocco | The Map of Africa after the Independence of South Sudan | India in Africa – Strengthening Energy Ties and Striding Towards a Strategic Partnership | The USA and Pakistan - A Volatile Partnership | Finland’s New President | Renationalising Europe? Right-wing Populist Parties Are Becoming More Popular, but Not More Unified

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Africa: Transitions and transformations

  • Editorial of the issue "Africa: Transitions and transformations"

    The main focus of the April edition of KAS International Reports are the transitions and transformations that have been taking place in Africa. Not only the Arab world has been feeling these effects. Other parts of Africa have also been undergoing major changes, some of which we have examined in previous editions. One example of a country suffering from decades of conflict is the Sudan.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

Other Topics

  • After the Arab Spring: Political Islam on the Rise?

    The Arab Spring has led to an “Islamic awakening”. What are the likely ramifications for politics, the economy and society of policies are more clearly oriented towards the implementation of Islamic Sharia law? What does all this mean for all the young rebels, the secular, republican parties, the women looking for emancipation and the religious and ethnic minorities?

    by Michael A. Lange

  • New Government or New System?

    A Special Path for Morocco

    A lot has changed on the political front in Morocco in recent months, and many of these changes will have a long-term influence on the country’s future. The country is trying to steer a course into the 21st century between the Arab Spring and centuries-old power structures to create a society built on openness, a desire for social change and a willingness to embrace political reform.

    by Helmut Reifeld

  • The Map of Africa after the Independence of South Sudan

    In 2005, African and non-African leaders voiced fears that the break-up of Sudan could lead to a domino effect of other nationalist secessions. In 2010, Muammar Gaddafi warned that “What is happening in Sudan”, he warned, “could become a contagious disease that affects the whole of Africa.” More apposite was the stark acknowledgement of Chad’s President Idriss Deby: “We all have a south.”

    by Terence McNamee

  • India in Africa

    Strengthening Energy Ties and Striding Towards a Strategic Partnership

    Indian-African trade relations have intensified in the past few years with resources emerging as significant items of trade. However, the role of Africa in India’s trade dynamics is still minuscule with great prospects for deepening trade ties. Though India’s partnership with African countries is progressing slowly, it has shown significant developments after the India-Africa Summit.

    by Swati Ganeshan

  • The USA and Pakistan - A Volatile Partnership

    The alliance between the USA and Pakistan has been described by many analysts and commentators as a marriage of convenience or as a transactional relationship that is only being held together by mutual dependence. But at the same time, both sides are deeply mistrustful of each other. The fragile relationship results from the dilemma that each side wants to maintain its independence while at the same time it seems unlikely that there will be any increase in joint interests.

    by Karl Fischer, Ulrike Schultz

  • Finland’s New President

    After 56 Years, a Conservative Is Once Again Heading the Republic

    Finland has a new President. The competition for the highest office of the Republic of Finland was observed with great interest by the rest of Europe. The fact that the 2 staunch pro-EU proponents Niinistö and Haavisto fought out the final round between them can actually be seen as an indication of the Finns’ loyalty to Europe.

    by Andreas Michael Klein

  • Renationalising Europe?

    Right-wing Populist Parties Are Becoming More Popular, but Not More Unified

    Many observers believe that the European Union and its integration project are now facing a stern test. Intellectuals have been increasingly levelling criticism at the EU. The big concern is that right-wing populist parties have emerged from the European financial crisis looking much stronger, and recently they have had repeated electoral success at national level.

    by Florian Hartleb

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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