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International Reports 11/2007

Political Islam Gaining Ground. The Example of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt | Between National Interests and Ideology - Spain's Latin American Policy | Taking Stock of the Work of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Duma in the Legislative Period from 2003 to 2007 | NATO and Russia. How to Safeguard the Partnership | The EU and Africa on the Way towards a Strategic Partnership

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  • The EU and Africa on the Way towards a Strategic Partnership

    For a long time, development-policy aspects have not been the only reason why the gaze of the global public rested increasingly on Africa. For one thing, the continent's growing importance is reflected in the intensifying contest for influence and resources that is going on between the West and China and other countries, a development in which Europe is directly involved.

    by Wolfram Vetter

  • NATO and Russia. How to Safeguard the Partnership

    Ten years after the adoption of the NATO-Russia Founding Act and five years after the establishment of the NATO-Russia Council, the general mood is anything but exuberant. Cooperation is in an ambivalent state, debates about the planned deployment of rockets in eastern Europe are causing tensions, and the Kosovo question, the enlargement of NATO towards the east and the future of the CFE Treaty are putting a considerable strain on the relations between NATO and Russia. The question is: What is the problem?

    by Sven C. Singhofen

  • Taking Stock of the Work of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Duma in the Legislative Period from 2003 to 2007

    For some time, the Russian Duma has been dominated by United Russia, the 'party of power' that is faithful to Putin. Its current majority of 67.56% enables it to change the constitution without assistance. Acting in concert with the Fair Russia Party, the result of a merger between the Rodina and Shisn parties in 2006, United Russia largely supports the policies of the Kremlin, whereas alternative opinions are only intermittently heard in the Duma. United Russia controls legislation, acting as an instrument of the national government and particularly the Russian president.

    by Thomas Kunze, Nuru Packmohr

  • Between National Interests and Ideology - Spain's Latin American Policy

    When Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chávez, paid an official visit to Madrid in November 2004, he declared that he had ‘never before been welcomed like this in Spain’. And the left-wing populist’s joy is not the only sign of the radical change which is taking place in Spain’s policy vis-à-vis Latin America.

    by Michael Däumer, Joscha Schmitz

  • Political Islam Gaining Ground. The Example of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

    In recent years, political groups inspired by Islam progressively made their peace with the characteristics of the democratic order. Their newly-discovered acceptance of elections and parliamentary processes results not least from a gradual democratisation of the formerly authoritarian regimes these groups had fought by terrorist means even in their home countries.

    by Michael A. Lange

  • Editorial der Ausgabe: "Auslandsinformationen 11/2007"

    Der Krisenkontinent Afrika bietet heute neue Chancen. Fortschritte in der Demokratie- und Menschenrechtsfrage sind in vielen Ländern erkennbar. Wirtschaftlich geht es in vielen Staaten bergauf. Der Ressourcenreichtum unseres Nachbarkontinents ist vielfach Ursache für steigende Wachstumsraten. Der Ressourcenhunger der Industriestaaten und der Schwellenländer stärkt dasInteresse an diesem Kontinent.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

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