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International Reports 12/2011

Globalisation from the Bottom up – The Aspiring Middle Classes in Emerging Economies | The Middle Class in Chile – The Characteristics and Evolution 1990-2011 | The Indian Middle-Class: Emerging Cultures of Politics and Economics | China’s Middle Class – A Driving Force for Democratic Change or Guarantors of the Status Quo? | Germany and Japan – Leading Civilian Powers, or Medium-Sized Powers Further Back in the Pack? | Upheaval in Yemen Background and prospects of a rebellion with uncertain outcome

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  • Editorial of the issue "International Reports 12/2011"

    It is with good reason that the middle class is increasingly attracting attention, both in Germany and internationally. However, it is not in the industrialised countries in which the middle class is experiencing its largest increase, but in the emerging economies. The middle classes there are exerting great influence on global economic developments. Whether this influence is driving forward the consolidation or introduction of democracy, the rule of law and social market economy is, however, not at all certain.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • Globalisation from the Bottom up – The Aspiring Middle Classes in Emerging Economies

    The worldwide growth of the middle classes is bringing with it new economic realities, a growing class of consumers and changes to social and political structures. Awareness of and interest in this development are increasing, the phenomenon is moving into the global spotlight: How is this class positioned economically? How does it deal with crises? What are its social and political aspirations?

  • The Middle Class in Chile – The Characteristics and Evolution 1990-2011

    The middle class in Chile represents a relatively small percentage of all Chilean society. Despite the economic growth and overall reduction of poverty in the country in the last 20 years, an important part of the middle class in Chile does not present a more favourable attitude towards democracy in comparison to other segments of society. This poses a strong challenge to both the middle class and society as a whole.

    by Emmanuelle Barozet, Jaime Fierro

  • The Indian Middle-Class: Emerging Cultures of Politics and Economics

    The idea of India as a modern and democratic nation state was imagined and articulated by the emergent Indian middle-classes during the later phase of the British colonial rule over the subcontinent. Over the last two decades, the Indian middle-class has been celebrated for its economic achievements in the new global economy. It has also been expanding in size, providing critical market base to the process of economic growth and stability to democratic politics.

    by Surinder S. Jodhka, Aseem Prakash

  • China’s Middle Class – A Driving Force for Democratic Change or Guarantors of the Status Quo?

    The rise of the emerging countries has been accompanied by the creation of a middle class. There is the hope that these people will start to demand some form of political and social participation and so contribute to a democratisation of the predominantly authoritarian regimes in their respective countries. Is it right to assume that history will be repeated in the most densely populated country in the world, the People’s Republic of China?

    by Peter Hefele, Andreas Dittrich

  • Germany and Japan – Leading Civilian Powers, or Medium-Sized Powers Further Back in the Pack?

    The visit of the German President to Japan, much longer and more intensive than is normal for such state visits, was clear evidence of the great trust that Germany places in Japan. At a time when global challenges are reaching beyond the borders of individual states or a partnership between Germany and Japan, based on common values, can be seen as being both highly relevant and necessary.

    by Markus Tidten

  • Upheaval in Yemen Background and prospects of a rebellion with uncertain outcome

    Under normal circumstances Yemen rarely makes the international headlines – usually only when Westerners are kidnapped or militant Islamists cause a stir. Even since the start of the protests in the Arab world, Yemen has only sporadically penetrated the awareness of the general public in the West. Yet the political upheavals that have been taking place there since early this year are no less dramatic than those in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya or Syria.

    by Christoph Dreyer

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International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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