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International Reports 5/2010

“A Progressive Idea of Style Awaiting Its Embodiment”: Global Governance Between G8 and G20 | India’s Economic Policy and the Necessity for a Financial Model | The Rise of the Gulf: Saudi Arabia as a Global Player | South Korea and the G20 | Turkey on the Road to Becoming a Regional Power | A Tiger Ready to Pounce? Vietnam’s Economic and Political Coordinates in Southeast Asia | South Africa’s Objectives at the G20 | Religion and Global Development - Contributions to the Current Debate from a Development Policy Perspective

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  • Editorial of the issue "International Reports 5/2010"

    Auslandsinformationen 5/2010

    In this edition of International Reports, we investigate the economic development and the political ambitions of the G20 members India, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Turkey, and South Africa. Alongside the G8 countries, they are important players, with whom we are fostering – and continue to foster – political dialog.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • “A Progressive Idea of Style Awaiting Its Embodiment”: Global Governance Between G8 and G20

    How limited the competence for problem-solving of the existing global organizing structures today still is, can be clearly seen from the crisis situation of the past two years. The number of challenges that can no longer be tackled at a solely national or regional level is growing rapidly and reached a new peak with the global financial market crisis.

  • India’s Economic Policy and the Necessity for a Financial Model

    Until 1991, the year when extensive liberalization measures began, India was considered – in terms of its regulations on the domestic economy, its customs and its quantitative trade restrictions – as one of the world’s most highly regulated national economies among democratic countries.

    by David Gregosz, Rabea Förstmann

  • The Rise of the Gulf: Saudi Arabia as a Global Player

    Saudi Arabia is the largest economy of an emerging regional block, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) formed by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the Saudis. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributes with 49% of the total GDP of the economic bloc and 67% of the total population.

    by Nicolás M. Depetris Chauvin

  • South Korea and the G20

    Asia’s Poorhouse Emerges as Economic Miracle Nation

    South Korea has already drawn attention to itself with ambitious plans for climate protection and green growth, and is setting a good example. Its aim is to establish a stronger presence on the international stage for itself, thus gaining more influence worldwide.

    by Colin Dürkop, Sebastian Ratzer

  • Turkey on the Road to Becoming a Regional Power

    Turkey’s future role in international politics will be determined primarily by how far it is able to reconcile its traditional Western links with its increasing influence and interests in the region.

    by Jan Senkyr

  • A Tiger Ready to Pounce?

    Vietnam’s Economic and Political Coordinates in Southeast Asia

    Since the Doi Moi reforms were announced in 1986, there has been continual economic development, measured by economic growth. Even temporary, negative influences, such as the Asian crisis of 1997 or the ongoing global financial and economic crisis, have not jeopardized this trend.

    by Nadine Carlson (geb. Mensel)

  • South Africa’s Objectives at the G20

    Economic diplomacy matters to South Africa and Africa, because the rules of the game help determine the space available at the national level for economic policymaking. In an increasingly multi-polar world, international economic negotiations offer one way in which South Africa and Africa can influence the rules of the game and thereby help maximise their own space to make domestic economic policy.

    by Peter Draper, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Keri Leicher

  • Religion and Global Development - Contributions to the Current Debate from a Development Policy Perspective

    The issue of how important religion can be for the development of a country and, thus, for the success of development policy, is nothing new. There are various standard works on religious sociology as well as a more recent spate of studies examining the links between religion and violence in politics and society worldwide.

    by Helmut Reifeld

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

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Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

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Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943