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International Reports 6/2008

The Strategic Importance of Missile Defence - Russia´s Objections and its Threat Situation | Potential Stability - Poland after the End of the 4th | State of Emergency in Armenia - Political Crisis after the Presidential Elections of February 2008 | Spain and its Trauma - 40 Years of ETA Terrorism and the Powerlessness of Politics | In Focus: The Rise of Indigenous Movements in Latin America

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  • Editorial der Ausgabe: "Auslandsinformationen 6/2008"

    Ausgabe 6/2008 der Auslandsinformationen der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • The Strategic Importance of Missile Defence

    Russia´s Objections and its Threat Situation

    US plans to deploy strategic missile defence components in Poland and the Czech Republic are meeting with criticism not only in Russia but also within NATO and in Germany. The objects of this criticism are not only Russia’s warnings against a new arms race but also the possible impact of the plans on the negotiations about Iran’s nuclear programme. The latter argument was usually fielded in the political discourse to demonstrate the discrepancy between setting up a missile defence system and the policy of disarmament.

    by Martin Sieg

  • Potential Stability

    Poland after the End of the 4th Republic

    The victory of the conservative Law and Order party and the power takeover by the Kaczyński twins after the parliamentary and presidential elections in Poland late in 2005 fired the starting gun for the so-called 4th republic. Its stated objective was to re-establish social and historic justice and to combat corruption, the communist cadre system, and a decaying society. In fact, all that the coalition government formed by the Law and Oder (PiS) party, the Self-defence party, and the League of Polish Families had to give the country were two years of instability, bickering among untrustworthy partners, and scandal.

    by Stephan Georg Raabe

  • State of Emergency in Armenia

    Political Crisis after the Presidential Elections of February 2008

    On February 19, 2008, nine candidates competed for the presidency of the Republic of Armenia. In this context, their election platforms and/or their affiliation to a political party played a subordinate role to Armenia’s voters.

    by Aschot Manutscharjan

  • Spain and its Trauma:

    40 Years of ETA Terrorism

    In 2008, Spain commemorates a sad anniversary. The ETA has been killing people for 40 years now. In 1968, the Basque terrorists committed their first murder, shooting dead a policeman in broad daylight. Since then, a total of 823 people lost their lives by this extreme-left underground organization.

  • In Focus: The Rise of Indigenous Movements in Latin America

    Im Fokus: Der Aufstieg indigener Bewegungen in Lateinamerika

    Latin America is in turmoil. The question of how to deal with those people whom the Europeans first met there centuries ago has caught up with the region. There is talk of a political awakening among the indigenous nations.To be sure, there have been uprisings before, and even signs of a specific ‘Indio policy’.

    by Stefan Jost

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International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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