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Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa

Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa (Cover)

Editorial | The Governability of the Multinational State of Nigeria - Is Decentralisation the Solution or Part of the Problem | Decentralised Regional Development Policy in Tunisia: A New Beginning Following the “Arab Spring”? | The European Parliament as the “Driving Force” of the Common Security and Defence Policy | 20 Years of Democracy and the Fifth Parliamentary Elections in South Africa | Internal Spirit of Optimism and Foreign Policy Readjustment: Backgrounds and Perspectives on the New Indian Government

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Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa

  • Editorial of the issue "Decentralisation and Regional Policies in Africa"

    A sustainable development process depends particularly on a country’s conditions that are favourable to economic growth and entrepreneurial initiative as well as opportunities for people to voice their interests and have a say in the political process. That is why the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung views decentralisation as an important instrument to furthering democracy. Because political participation begins at the local level. And this requires an institutional infrastructure to ensure that responsibility for local policies lies at the very levels where they are intended to have an impact.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

Other Topics

  • The Governability of the Multinational State of Nigeria

    Is Decentralisation the Solution or Part of the Problem?

    Nigeria is extremely difficult to govern and has been put to the test many times. President Jonathan recently invited 500 representatives from across the country to come to Abuja for a major National Conference, discussing how to safeguard Nigeria’s future unity and its national development. But the latest attacks by religious extremists overshadow this endeavour.

    by Mathias Kamp

  • Decentralised Regional Development Policy in Tunisia

    A New Beginning Following the “Arab Spring”?

    Tunisia illustrates how local and other territorial authorities on the sub-national level might be engaged in shaping and implementing a regional development policy. In that regard, reducing interregional disparities and combatting youth unemployment are essential. How could a decentralised regional policy facilitate Tunisia’s restart following the „Arab Spring“?

    by Maximilian Benner

  • 20 Years of Democracy and the Fifth Parliamentary Elections in South Africa

    In the latest parliamentary elections, the ruling African National Congress could once again assert its power. The high voter turnout demonstrated the importance of the young democracy to the South African people. However, the new government is facing major efforts to ensure the country’s economic and social situation do not deteriorate.

    by Holger Dix

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  • The European Parliament as the “Driving Force” of the Common Security and Defence Policy

    Over the past years, the European Parliament has consolidated its role as “driving force” for the Security and Defence Policy. It succeeded in advancing the parliamentarisation and contributed to the agenda setting, to new laws, as well as to the parliamentary monitoring: a retrospective on the seventh and an outlook for the upcoming legislature.

    by Gerrit F. Schlomach

  • Internal Spirit of Optimism and Foreign Policy Readjustment

    Backgrounds and Perspectives on the New Indian Government

    The opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, and its top candidate Narendra Modi won the Indian national elections in May. The clear victory conveys the desire for a stable government, which recently had been characterized by a political standstill. How can this outcome be explained and what challenges does the new Prime Minister face?

    by Lars Peter Schmidt †, Malte Gaier

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

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