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Country reports

The disturbingly many facets of Francis

by Michael Feth, Dr. Nino Galetti

Ten years ago, Francis was elected pope. An interim assessment of the international role of the Holy See in his pontificate.

"Francis the Enigmatic" was the headline of a German weekly magazine a year after his election in 2013. Ten years later, some mysteries have been solved, others remain. At this point, our report expressly does not want to deal with internal church and theological aspects, such as the confrontations on the German "Synodal Way" or the processing of the abuse problem, but rather to draw up an interim balance sheet of the role of the incumbent pope in international politics. And there are many facets to be illuminated in this pontificate. The results are not always flattering for the Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio. But some of his initiatives will remain in historical memory.

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The full-length publication is only available in German.

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Dr. Nino Galetti

Dr. Nino Galetti

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Italien +39 06 6880-9281 +39 06 6880-6359


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