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The purpose of this call for bid is to seek a competitive price for the Conference Service Provider for Sound and Lighting Technology commencing 01.07.2023.

The purpose of this call for bid is to seek a competitive price for the Conference Service Provider for Sound and Lighting Technology commencing 01.07.2023, it automatically renews after the duration of the contract period of 24 months. Intention to cancel the contract must be indicated by either party in writing no later than three (3) months before the anniversary of the date on which the contract was signed.

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INVITATION to submit a bid CONFERENCE SERVICES (1) download

Scope of the Service

Sound and Lighting Technology

  • The conference service provider will be expected to provide communication devices to include general lighting and stage lighting, general sound equipment (microphones, loudspeaker systems, amplifiers etc.), Led projector screen, translation equipment and digital transmission for Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS).

  • The conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall be able to find and present various sound and lighting devices in the case of request for a specific item.

  • The conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall find the most economic travel option based on the normal KAS approved rates, in the case of events outside Tallinn for the transportation of sound and lighting technology to the event location.

  • The conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall ensure that all net prices and taxes are included in the quotation price, but stated individually.

  • The fee quoted shall be held for a fair period for internal approval processes of the booking. How long would you be able to hold quoted fee?

  • Whenever KAS requests a quotation for a particular event, the conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall be able to present the relevant information by email as soon as possible after KAS request. How long does it take you on average to revert requests?

  • Pro forma invoices will be delivered electronically to KAS at least 48 hours from the time of request. Additional changes can be effected in the case of an increase/decrease in the number of planned participants for the event.

  • The conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall set up the equipment 4 hours before the event and will also confirm that it works perfectly. Confirmation of the set up will be done by one staff of the conference service provider and a member of the KAS team in charge of the project/event.

  • The conference service provider for sound and lighting technology shall provide at least 2 staff members throughput the duration of the event. The persons will man the conferencing equipment station and will also attend to any other need that may arise within the scope of the service for which they are responsible.


  • The contact staff at every event must be skilled in monitoring functionality of the equipment provided and will man the communication station. Hence, they shall therefore be available throughout the duration of the scheduled event (KAS will make available the program of the event).

Cancellation of Projects/Events

  • In the case of cancellation at short notice, the conference service provider for light and sound technology shall endeavor to minimize any penalties applicable to KAS.

  • In the case of a canceled event after payment, the conference service provider for light and sound technology shall process and refund the amount pad for the even and also, can be asked to hold payment if the event has been rescheduled.

Ad hoc information requests/service updates

  • The conference service provider for light and sound technology will inform KAS immediately of any changes that might occur which may affect the program arrangements for KAS.

  • In order to facilitate contacts and information exchange between the parties (KAS and service provider), the conference service provider for light and sound technology shall be able to process quotations, invoices and other requests received by phone or by e-mail. To this end, the contractor should have adequately skilled personnel.

  • Payment would be done via bank transaction.

Service charge

  • Service charge quoted by the conference service provider for light and sound technology shall be fixed during the term of the contract and are subject to variation only in written form and needs the agreement of both parties. Please list your charges in your bid.

Submission of Sample Quotes

  • The final bidding documents are to submitted in hard copies to KAS in a sealed envelope or sent via E-mail (digitally signed copies) addressed to the KAS Liaison Office Estonia before 16.06.2023.

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