Asset Publisher
Mistrus Media

The film production company MISTRUS MEDIA has been operating since 2000 and has established itself as a leading Latvian film studio. The company works on international co-productions of feature films and documentaries, providing also production, filming and location services in the Baltic countries.
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LATO is a non governmental organization established on March 21, 2000 with the aim to bring together likeminded individuals who want to promote Latvia`s membership in NATO.
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PROVIDUS is a leading think-tank in Latvia, established in 2002. The mission is to promote evidence-based policy and the development of open society values.
PROVIDUS main areas of work are good governance, anti-corruption and migration, with citizen participation and EU dimension as a horizontal component throughout all activities.
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The Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS)

The Centre for East European Policy Studies (CEEPS) is a non-governmental organisation, which began its research activities in 2006. The main goal of the centre is to contribute to the advancement of the Latvian foreign policy by building-up the expertise on Russia’s development and its different foreign policy expressions in the neighbourhood.
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University of Latvia
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia is the state governed institution, which organizes and coordinates state culture policy, social integration policy and media policy. The Ministry of Culture operates pursuant to the regulations of the Ministry of Culture, the declaration of the Cabinet of Ministers and the basic principals of the State culture policy.
The central apparatus of the Ministry of Culture consists of three (3) departments: Cultural Policy Department, Social Integration Department and European Union Funds Department.
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Nordic Council of Ministers

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia, founded in 1991, has a central role in facilitating and implementing Nordic cooperation with Latvia. The Office is collaborating with national and regional institutions, NGOs and Nordic diplomatic representations, carrying out projects in various fields, including Nordic and EU projects and joint Nordic-Baltic projects.
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Unity (Latvian: Vienotība) is a Latvian centre-right political party, founded as an electoral alliance of the New Era Party, the Civic Union and the Society for Other Politics on 6 March 2010. It was reportedly founded in a bid to form a counterweight to the left-wing Harmony Centre alliance, which had been strengthening in polls and elections, while the other right-wing parties (People's Party, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and LPP/LC) were below the electoral threshold of 5%.On 6 August 2011, the alliance was transformed into a single political party.
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Valmieras Valsts Gimnāzija

Das Staatsgymnasium ValmieraDen Staatsgymnasium besuchen etwa 550 Schülerinnen und Schüler die Jahrgangstufen 7-12. Das Kollegium besteht aus 50 Lehrerinnen und Lehrern.Am Gymnasium können die Schüler zwischen fünf staatlich anerkannten Ausbildungsprogrammen wählen:1.Schwerpunkt Mathematik und Informatik2.Schwerpunkt Naturwissenschaft und Technik3.Schwerpunkt Human- und Sozialwissenschaften4.Schwerpunkt Fremdsprachen5.Schwerpunkte Theater, bildende Kunst, Musik und InstrumentalspielDeutsch wird am Gymnasium ab der Klasse 7 als zweite Fremdsprache unterrichtet. Seit 1992 arbeitet die Schule mit der Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen zusammen. Seit 2002 ist das Gymnasium - die Sprachdiplom-Schule und alljährlich nehmen Schüler an den Prüfungen zum Deutschen Sprachdiplom (DSD) teil.Seit 2005 ist das Staatsgymnasium Valmiera Prüfungszentrum für die DSD- Schulen der Region Vidzeme und Latgale.
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National Library of Latvia
The core functions of the National Library of Latvia (NLL) are the collection of national literature, its perpetual storage and the long-term provision of access to it.
The NLL collection (4.5 million units) embraces all branches of knowledge, the fundamental profile being Social Science and the Humanities.
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Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs develops and carries out Latvia’s foreign policy, to strengthen international security and domestic political stability.
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Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen

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Baltic-German University Liaison Office

The Baltic-German University Liaison Office provides services for various facilities, initatives and projects dedicated to university cooperation and academic Exchange between Germany and the Baltic states.
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The Popular Front Museum (PFM)

The Popular Front Museum (PFM) is one of the repositories of the Latvian contemporary history’s testimonies. In the museum’s collection there are unique evidences (objects, documents), which tell about the Latvian people’s struggle for freedom, about the Third Awakening. Visitors can get acquainted with the documents, photographs, news-reels that depict the events of the Awakening times.
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