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KAS-Literaturpreisträger zur Frühjahrsmesse

Die Richtigen in schlechten Zeiten

Inmitten der Krisen und Kontroversen unserer Zeit markiert die Literatur Positionen, fragt nach Werten, unterstreicht die Freiheit des Wortes.

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Developments, projects, topics and collaborations

Annual report 2024

Insights into the year 2024 of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

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Event report

Cafe Kyiv 2025: ‘We stand by the side of Ukraine’

On 11 March, our Cafe Kyiv took place for the third time with around 5,000 visitors at the Colosseum Berlin.

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Qualifizierungsseminar für Stipendiatinnen

Frauen in die Politik!

Im Seminar „Frauen in die Politik!“ lernten Teilnehmerinnen, sich durchzusetzen, Netzwerke zu knüpfen und ihren eigenen Weg in die Politik zu gehen.

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Kompaktseminar der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Medienkonsum im digitalen Wandel: neue Ansätze im Journalismus

Schlechte Nachrichten bestimmen oft die Medienlandschaft – doch wie wirkt sich das auf unsere Psyche aus? Und gibt es Alternativen? Diese Fragen wurden im KAS-Seminar beantwortet.

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Discovering and fostering talent: We provide scholarships to exceptionally talented and committed young individuals.Our mission is to empower them to take on responsibility as future leaders and active citizens in politics, business, science, media, culture, and society. We are guided by a vision of humanity shaped by Christian-democratic values. With 3,500 scholarship holders, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is one of the largest organizations promoting gifted individuals in Germany.

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Scholar in the International Students Program

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung scholarship is a unique opportunity for me to develop academically and personally and to sharpen my socio-political awareness. The inspiring seminars, university group meetings and conversations with my fellow scholarship holders have greatly expanded my understanding of Germany and Europe. I’m happy to be part of this unique community.

International Students Program


Scholar in the Students Program

The support encourages me to think and act across disciplines — whether in discussions with fellow scholars, speakers, in volunteer work, or during seminars both in Germany and abroad. This intense exchange about political and societal issues inspires me in my studies and beyond. I feel connected to friends and mentors as part of the KAS community, deeply embedded in our society.

Students Program


Scholar in the Journalism Training Program

As a scholar in the Journalism Training Program, I particularly value the professional journalists, speakers, and friends in the JONA family. They are always there for me and have often guided me in my personal growth and during tough career decisions. When applying, it was important to me that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung shared my values, such as helping others. I volunteer, for example, as a reader at a children’s library.

Journalism Training Program


Scholar in the Doctoral Program

The doctoral scholarship provides not only financial support but also the chance to engage with other doctoral candidates from various fields and to build inspiring connections. For me, there’s nothing more motivating than exchanging ideas with fellow scholars who share the same goals and aim to make a difference in society. The scholarship also feels like recognition of what I’ve achieved on my journey so far.

Doctoral Program


Scholar in the Artist Program

The EHF scholarship has been and continues to be an essential part of my artistic career in many ways. The funding allowed me to focus entirely on my artistic work in the studio for a full year. Looking back, the drafts and processes developed during the scholarship year provided decisive impulses for some of my most important works.

Artist Program

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